Responses from guscreek
Is there any such thing as a bad sounding DAC these days? @chervokas Absolutely fascinating!! Any penny that bright can get thrown on the tracks can't happen often enough. Do you mind sharing your background to have that knowledge? | |
Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype) Break out Ocaams Razor, stare in the mirror and shave that beard of rationalization off. Aside from politics having little place here IMO the Dow and such always goes up. Always a winning side up top. To quote Warren Buffet "Price is what you p... | |
LoFi I am one of the few people at work not sporting earbuds. I enjoy my home system far to much to listen any other way most of the time. Thanks to the miracle of streaming I am revisiting music I thought was familiar to me only to find I never knew... | |
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore? @evanpress Yes well written, kind of ground breaking. Wickedly funny, lovable characters and of cours Lonnie Anderson. I nominate News Radio and Frazier to a lesser degree fun radio based shows. Ironic I guess considering how one came to render... | |
At the top of the line is it really all that different? I'd like to add another dimension to the satisfaction matrix of audiophila (?): circumstances of purchase. Seven years ago I was a regular visitor to the Seattle CL for audio although I lived on the east side of the state. For weeks myself and t... | |
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore? Like many here only in my car. 95.9 The Krush Santa Rosa CA and The River 97.7 for Northern CA. I'm much like @nicholsr in that I enjoy the obscure artists and the wonderful DJs who have the common decency to tell who you just heard and probably... | |
Karen Carpeneter died 42 years ago. Her drumming abilities were world class. Some people from her time speculate that moving her off her beloved kit to singing out front contributed to her sad downfall. Naturally shy evidently. There is an interview with Sheila E who is in awe of... | |
Music/Life @baylinor Your post reminds me of a Letter to the Editor in National Lampoon many years ago. The "writer" was describing some aspect of heaven and signed it "Jim Jimi Janice and those are just the J's" Still sticks with me... | |
A new horn is brewing in the cauldron? Se habla espanol | |
BS meter is pegged! You Tube Rockwell Retro Encabulator | |
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers How, exactly can one drop 100k on speakers and not love them, ANY of them? At that point it seems like it is no longer about the music. | |
Favorite Album Cover (picture or art on the cover) The Who By the Numbers. Pretty cool when a band member draws up the crew. | |
Do you prefer tall speakers @meadowman I agree with your assessment of the 2000s. It's always nice to hear(yes) another opinion on them as they are so rare. I will never sell mine for sure! It's like they are full of an infinite amount of butterflies that flap in concer... | |
Do you prefer tall speakers fastfreight My last home allowed me to crank my 2000s past the point of local listenability while I did things else where. I loved to set those monsters free and Revel (yes) in the sheer dynamics of the sound. | |
Do you prefer tall speakers sls883 Hi yes I played with the rear tweeter. Biggest factor is recalibrating my brain for the new sound I think. Lucky son! Hopefully it will introduce his young friends to real audio. |