How do you pick your gear? Tips and insights are welcome. | asvjerry | 251 | 15 | |
What is your favorite budget streamer? | oddiofyl | 3638 | 40 | |
Anyone have a Roon Nucleus One? Your experience positive or negative? | sfgak | 256 | 4 | |
Have a reflective Memorial Day. | bdp24 | 415 | 4 | |
Can anyone recommend a new or NOS 300B or 805 vacuum tube? | 2psyop | 585 | 5 | |
Advice and recommendations needed for a turntable rig... | pindac | 5030 | 75 | |
The time has come and I request advice... | 2psyop | 3443 | 50 | |
Advice wanted for small factor office speakers | 2psyop | 740 | 15 | |
AARP article on streaming hirez audio | norust | 545 | 4 | |
My New Year’s Wish for my fellow audiophiles. | nagel | 2017 | 31 | |
Has anyone actually heard the Dali Epikore 11? Impressions welcome. | delpi | 4255 | 23 | |
Another Fedex problem... | tonydennison | 1299 | 14 | |
A step to the side- Smart TV question | mapman | 1733 | 23 | |
Is simpler better? | cd318 | 4542 | 46 | |
Have a reflective Memorial day. | cd318 | 1372 | 29 | |