

Discussions 2psyop has started

How do you pick your gear? Tips and insights are welcome.25115
What is your favorite budget streamer?363840
Anyone have a Roon Nucleus One? Your experience positive or negative?2564
Have a reflective Memorial Day.4154
Can anyone recommend a new or NOS 300B or 805 vacuum tube?5855
Advice and recommendations needed for a turntable rig...503075
The time has come and I request advice...344350
Advice wanted for small factor office speakers74015
AARP article on streaming hirez audio5454
My New Year’s Wish for my fellow audiophiles.201731
Has anyone actually heard the Dali Epikore 11? Impressions welcome.425523
Another Fedex problem...129914
A step to the side- Smart TV question173323
Is simpler better?454246
Have a reflective Memorial day.137229