Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
So, I am getting rid of the wife (divorce, I am not burying her in the backyard!) and can now get big floor standing speakers. I currently have a Luxman integrated and model 30 Harbeth speakers, and a very good sub. Very neutral/natural sound, can listen for long sessions. But I don't get a very good image, and it seems a little too laid back. I listen mainly to singer-song writers, both male and female. Lots of acoustic/piano.
There are so many floor standers now, I'd like to shorten the list. Any suggestions to start my search? I am located in southern CA, so I can listen to almost any brand. Price should be under $100K.
I may lose a wife, but so far the freedom/cash is worth it.
Thanks all!
This masterpiece should be at the top of the playlist for any audiophile going through divorce.. Forget Diana Krall boys... Jimmy Nail is your boy during these trying times...The rest of us can pretend that we are the cheerleading brass for the dude whose alimony payments are due shortly. Bwaahahaha
Jimmy Nail - Ain’t No Doubt
@megabyte ... flipping hilarious! "Word has it he and his wife reconciled and he bought a Bose soundbar." LMAO great sense of humor. |
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