

Responses from stringreen

Speakers sound too bright.
I agree with jond.....return them....  
The Insane World of High End Audio! Is it All a Scam?
Everything counts.....I was shocked when I changed my power cable connections to Furutech  
What interconnect cables do you use with your VAC equipment ?
Rumble - turntable or background noise DG LP
bad pressing  
Why do tube amps often subjectively sound more powerful than SS ?
In my experience, tubes tend to highlight the lower part of the spectrum, where s/s favors the upper.   
Will a high quality preamp really make a difference in sound?? Also speaker cable
My amp has a non-working left channel...sent it back to the factory to have a look see and fix.   I looked around the room and noticed the expensive power cord for the amp was lying on the floor not doing anything.  Stupid 82 old me replaced the "... 
Unipivot tone arms
VPI arms are excellent if set up properly.....like all things  Mine isn't truly a unipivot ....I've attached their 2nd pivot....works great   
Anyone dislike Ohm Walsh speakers?
The Ohm A's got me into this hobby......there was not an amplifier that was powerful enough for them in those days  
I am sad
My amp went bad yesterday.....left speaker doesn't work.   It's an Ayre ....weighs in at about 100 lbs.   It cost 1000 dollars for shipping to Ayre and back. Damned it!!  
Furutech 's Project V1 Power Cord.....question.
In my system,  all Ayre with Vandersteen speakers, Cardas sounds slow, and covered.  The newest iterations are better, but not like other brands (Audioquest, etc.) I found.  
Pick it Pro Balanced cartridge? real balanced? any good?
The way I understand it...all cartridges are balanced.   Im using XLR from the cart to my balanced preamp, amp and speakers  
No one talks about Purist Audio Design cables.
I had Purist Colosus .....it sounded too much like tubes.....too colored, but in the right system a great cable  
Turntable Upgrade
I love my VPI ....have a Superscoutmaster/upgraded VPI arm/Super platter, 2nd pivot on arm, Winfield cart. SDS, spikes under feet, peripheral ring / spindle weight.....never had any problem with it....sounds great.  
Are Headphones Fit for Serious Music Listening?
sure...love my earphones  
Hearing Aids
Go to Costco's hearing aid department