

Responses from stringreen

Where Do I Go from Here?
Don't spend your money.....enjoy what you have......what would happen if something came up and you didn't have enough. Enjoy the music..your system is fine.  
Diving into balanced
I have a totally differentially balanced system from phono cartridge through amp.   It is quiet even with volume turned high.  
Has a Power Conditioner Improved Your Sound?
I have a whole house conditioner in the breaker box because a lightening strike took out a Vandersteen power module that has been repaired...., my whole system is differentially balanced and the results are excellent  
Heavy difficult to move speakers- how do you deal?
don't put the spikes and protectors in place until you have your speakers in place.....then tilt the speakers for inserting the spikes  
Amp showing its age?
my 20 year amp went out about a year ago.....sent it back to Ayre for a look-see with request to make it as perfect as you can.   They replaced a fuse and sent it back.    
Recommend an MC cartridge
My Ortofon Winfield needed attention so I sent it to Peter @ Soundsmith.   He repaired it with a new stylus ....and I must say it sounds great.  
VPI to What
for those that disparage the unipivot.......there is an inexpensive item called the 2nd pivot which stablizes the arm better.....the sound is still great.  
Cardas vs Cardas vs Shunyata interconnects
I had Cardas too....too closed in and warm for me  
Developing A List Of Tonearm Candidates For A SOTA Turntable
I had an SME V on my Sota which didn't work even with pro setup.....moved on.  
Solid State Power Amps
you should audition an Ayre product.......very neutral and high end gear  
Why are high efficiency speakers preferred for low volume listening?
better able to handle dynamic swings even at low levels  
VPI to What
I have a fully tricked out Superscoutmaster/rim drive/upgraded platter/arm, etc., etc. It is a truly wonderful table...only once was it loosing speed....I sent the SDS for a checkup and it was perfect....I cleaned the bearing with Hoppes gun clea... 
Looking for RCA cables from preamp to amp?
Cables for your/anyone's system is a crapshoot.....you really have to listen to them.    I suggest Mogami,......the most expensive cables are an interesting comparison  
HFNRR Test Record anti-skating tracks
Get a Fozometer to do it correctly.   If you're near Scottsdale, Az, I'll lend you mine  
Solid State Power Amps
take a listen to Ayre stuff