

Discussions tcutter has started

Power supply to modem make a difference?3618
Multiple subwoofers work wonders3828
Analog invites you to turn up the volume185128
Light dimmer switches cause noise, but how about Hue bulbs with dimming function?3703
Streamer between Roon Nucleus Plus and DAC81211
Discerning a positive or negative change in a system 4113
Should we care if a piece of equipment comes from a pet-free, kid-free, smoke-free home?9826154
Quite a few Bricasti M21 DACs for sale cheap581044
Occam's Razor: The Signal to Noise Ratio101525
Go ahead, hang blankets on the side walls. You’ll be amazed.110910
Distributed Bass Array Speaker Placement15528
Roon support or lack thereof, Part 29494
Roon Support, or lack thereof210813
Speaker relative efficiency/sensitivity when using a high pass filter319924