

Responses from bubba12

Are internal component upgrades worth it.
I have a simple solution. Buy speakers that you think sound fantastic that don't require modification. Why anyone spends that much money to then crack them open and 'fix' them I will never know.  
What Speakers are you running with your Gryphon Amp?
@nyev I have heard the 801 D4 sound damn near perfect. I didn't know they could sound bad. That is a great trick that dealer managed to pull off. I agree with others who say the Gryphon can drive anything. Very peculiar. Your speakers are great. N... 
New Magico Speaker Break-in Question
@hilde45 I'm surprised to hear your thoughts on the Salks. I have Song 3 and it's one of the pieces of gear I would never sell. Perfect clarity but not fatiguing to me. Different tweeter though. I haven't heard that complaint much about Salk. Some... 
Swiss Options - Piega & Stenheim
Stenheim. Easy to drive. I would think they would be a better fit with Devialet.     
Specific SUT with unusual case scenario question from a LOMC N00b
It seems like the easier solution is getting a cartridge that matches the phono stage better OR a phono stage that matches the cartridge better. The gain on the PL is the reason I stayed away from  it. I love PL but it should play nice with just a... 
Soulution 331 vs Gryphon Diablo 333
The Gryphon can drive any future speaker. I don't know the Soulution but maybe consider the Magico speakers if you loved the sound.  
Soulution 331 vs Gryphon Diablo 333
@jeffreyw   What speakers are you using?     
Kef blade 1 meta
Blades deserve big mono blocks.   
Soulution 331 vs Gryphon Diablo 333
I have heard the Gryphon 333. It would be really hard to believe it can sound much better. I would love to hear the Soulution though.  
What does 90% of the Absolute Best Sound Cost?
@mapman The room is 90% of the deal. I've proven it to myself many times over. No matter what I spend in my living room it will never sound like my loft. A more modest system but definitely sounds better.  
Digital Advice
The Blusound node can be bought for a couple hundred on the used market. The app is the best. I don't think there is a better low cost solution. I don't know if $600 elevates you much.   
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
Unless the acoustics of the room are worked out there isn't a reason to spend the crazy money. The main reason we all trade out gear is room acoustics. You can't hear what the room won't allow.  
Anyone Listen Extensively To V1 Of The Musical Fidelity Nu Vista Vinyl Phono Stage?
I have had mine for a few years. I don't think I will ever replace it. I think it's GREAT. Hope to hear what you think.  
My Analog Journey - Opinions Sought
The convenience of streaming is fantastic. The sound is great as well.  Then you have that ONE record you play and it turns it all the way you describe. It's not every record. It's not EVERY time but it's real.  
Need a modern Class A monoblock, preferably half or compact chassis
Westminster Labs has what you need. They cost a bit though.