

Responses from ozzy62

Borresen X3
@deep_333    More crickets….  
Phono Preamp Gain
I am using a SS Carmen II, which is the same output voltage as your cart. (2.12 mV) and running it into an SPL Phonos using the 46 db gain setting. Works great, plenty of headroom without overloading. I'm using a passive (Hattor Audio) preamp so n... 
Borresen X3
Tube or solid state phono stage?
I agree with @knotscott, there are good (and not so good) examples of both topologies. Generally speaking, good SS phono stages can be had at moderate cost. If you want a quiet and dynamic tube phono stage, the cost of entry will go up. At least t... 
Cornwall IV vs. Volti Rival, Razz; Razz v. 1, 2, 3 -- what changed?
Well if he was banned, he couldn’t even log in and post. So why would moderators keep deleting every post within minutes instead of banning him? Makes no sense.  
Borresen X3
Cornwall IV vs. Volti Rival, Razz; Razz v. 1, 2, 3 -- what changed?
So @silverfoxtv1800 makes another post and immediately deletes it. Bizarre behavior.    
amazing transformation...how?
Believe it or not, the mood you are in has a lot to do with the listening experience. Could be something as simple as that.  
Qualio IQ owners, still happy?
I don't find the midrange of the Qualio anemic or lacking at all. In fact, it has more texture than a lot of speakers, which makes them sound more real. The Parsifals have a smoother midrange and I guess some listeners would prefer that.  
Cornwall IV vs. Volti Rival, Razz; Razz v. 1, 2, 3 -- what changed?
Yes, it is very curious why ALL of his posts in this thread disappeared.  
Qualio IQ owners, still happy?
@wig Both are very good speakers. Here is how they differ. The Parsifal is very refined and relaxed. Great imaging and very engaging. Dynamics are very good, but not great. Very forgiving to bad recordings, so very easy to listen to. The IQ is ... 
Qualio IQ owners, still happy?
@dxbwineguy I sent you a PM. I don’t like to discuss price in the forum. I’m sure you can get them factory direct for the retail price inclusive of shipping to Dubai. Whatever you do, make sure you get the Gaia II footers. They make quite the dif... 
Qualio IQ owners, still happy?
Not sure why he sold them, I didn’t ask. There was another pair on audiogon a couple of weeks ago but they sold pretty quickly.  
Best speaker brands for transient response
I agree with @steve59 The right amp is crucial to define the speed and performance of a loudspeaker, especially true for less sensitive speakers.   
Best speaker brands for transient response
@grislybutter You have composed quite the list of available speakers. But none of that information is helpful to what the OP seeks.