

Responses from 2psyop

Where Do I Go from Here?
I would attend a few audio shows. I would NOT be in any hurry to buy speakers since you have really good ones now. I am sure if you find the speaker that you really like, you would be in a position to order them at the show. If I were spending tha... 
Anyone else treated poorly by AVA?
I don’t know about AVA. I will say that another small audio outfit that has a thread on audio circle treated me really bad and the product and service was terrible. I was made aware there are many fans of the company, that to order and get custome... 
Long time lurker looking for HT opinions
I do like Focal speakers and my vote goes to the L/C/R approach where all speakers are totally matched (same brand). I read that with HT movie soundtracks, when sounds move from speaker to speaker, it makes sense to have all speakers totally match... 
The Horror
Enjoy what you have. Life is far too short to live by “what ifs”, “ I want that instead” or “what does it take to get this other thing”. Think about it, it is only a stereo. Perspective is everything. Take a look at this guy and see what he is doi... 
Tidal removing all MQA
Listen to whatever media you like, (albums, digital, digital streaming, analog tape) and whatever file format ,(FLAC, MQA, raw analog, tape, digital lossless, AIFF, or low resolution digital files). There is enough room for all music devices and q... 
I wonder what audiophiles will say about the cassette tape format that is coming back. I am sure the talk will focus on how badly it sounds.   
a naive question about HT speakers
I would add this. All speaker should be in tonality…in sync. The problem with mixing speakers is that sounds in HT tracks go from speaker to speaker and should not sound different. That’s what I would look for, same brand and model, built for HT u... 
Digital vs Analog experiment
In my experience with some of those similar file formats is that the source equipment made a big difference. I had some friends listen to CDs, streamed files on two different brands of streamers, switched out DAC and also used an older turntable w... 
The same criticism you see for turntables are seen for MQA. Have you not seen how much money is being invested in bringing turntables and record albums back? That’s invested money. I don’t really think you can make turntables sound better…. the te... 
MQA sounds very much like the turntable debate. Digital music keeps improving and streaming and DACs improve. Turntable and analog is not needed, old technology. So many people buying expensive record players and record albums. It’s a gimmick to m... 
YouTube star Jay loves McIntosh MC 901 amplifier
Jay usually luvs whatever he gets. He has some very hi end gear but I question his objectivity. The relationship between dealers and brands is well known.  
Shouldn’t Do This, but…
I work at a hospital. Write down your post title on a piece of paper, then cross out the word “but”. That’s the answer you’re looking for.  
Tekton Double Impacts
The DI SE has been a great addition to my stereo. I certainly understand if some don’t like them or even have an issue with Eric. I have not and have had a good experience with the performance of the speakers and the customer service. I hear the c... 
Benchmark Media Systems. Right or wrong
There were many manufacturers who came out against MQA, and a few vowed to never incorporate that circuit into their equipment. I don’t remember anyone complaining about them taking a stand on that. In fact many forum members here believed them to... 
What if a high end speaker measures really badly?
I have yet to hear anyone listen to measurements when listening to a pair of speakers, therefore I really don't pay attention to them....