

Responses from audiojan

Maggie LRS vs .7
I actually preferred the .7's to the 1.7's even. There's something very coherent about them... doesn't go as deep, but the bass they produce is more detailed and textured, the midrange is really where the magic is with the .7's.   Compared to th... 
Which sounds better 2 way or 3 way speaker design
Both have their own benefits and drawbacks. First, let's assume they are equally well designed. A two-way design tend to make it easier to integrate the two elements into a single sonic "picture" especially at shorter listening distances. A 3-way ... 
???What's The LEAST Expensive "End Game"Amplifier You've Ever Heard???
Although not an integrated, Valvet A2SE. Single ended solid state, beat out SET tube amps, FirstWatt and Pass Labs, plus a whole slew of high end and much higher power amps. Only way I can describe it is that it pulls you in and just lets the musi... 
Luxman 509x VS Luxman 509Z
The 509Z is better than the 509X, but it's not night and day... I wouldn't replace the X if I had it already, just not enough of a difference to justify the relatively significant cost difference between them.  
Tube Rolling | Luxman CL-38uc
I ended up with Genalex Gold Lion 12AU7 for all the input tubes. Sounded the absolute best of all the ones I tried. Smooth yet detailed, superb depth and width.  
First impressions: Silversmith Fidelium interconnects
I've received some PMs asking for the components I use these with:   PS Audio AirStream into a PS Audio DirectStream Sr (Mk1, modified). XLR Fidelium to Luxman CL38uc (with NOS tubes). RCA Fidelium to Coincident Frankenstein MKII (NOS tubes). Fi... 
First impressions: Silversmith Fidelium interconnects
@roadcykler and @tkrtrb125 Not sure what you're trying to say... I'm nothing more than a happy customer that really like the product I purchased. Since there's not a lot of information about these anywhere to be found, I posted my initial impressi... 
First impressions: Silversmith Fidelium interconnects
I have both the RCA cables and the XLR cables, both terminated with really nice connectors (his own I think, but I don't know for sure). The cables are basically a ribbon (about 1/4" wide or so) inside of a black mesh, very flexible and very light.  
First impressions: Silversmith Fidelium interconnects
If you use the "contact use" on their website, you can ask about the cables. I know Jeff is still waiting for final packaging details (I think that's what he was waiting for), but he was willing to get a pair of cables out to me. Don't think that ... 
Warm, yet detailed tube preamp
@perkadin You do realize that the Omen and the Omen Def Supreme are not even the same speaker? And you might be one of the very few that ever said that Zu's lacking detail, that's what they're known for.  
Warm, yet detailed tube preamp
So I’m testing out the Luxman CL-38uC and it’s exactly what I was looking for. Detailed, slightly warm, spacious and just super relaxed  
Warm, yet detailed tube preamp
@perkadin Have you heard the Omen Def Supreme? I’m guessing not…  
Tube Rolling | Luxman CL-38uc
From the illustration and description of @acefactory above, my understanding is that tube 7 is the balanced input, but is input 1 tube 2 or tube 6?  
Warm, yet detailed tube preamp
@snapoli2 interesting you mention the Luxman. I just spoke to my local dealer (whom I really trust, have done business with him for well over 20 years) and that's exactly what he recommended   May borrow one from him after the long weekend and l... 
Warm, yet detailed tube preamp
@kennyc the Coincident preamps don’t come with a remote. I frequently adjust volume based on the track so this is something I’m not willing to compromise on