Responses from efoo
Bluesound Node Icon I think the Jury is out. I am basically of the opinion that is using an external DAC the X or 130 is the same as the ICON. If you are using the built in DACs then the ICON will be better. | |
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers Why not move up the Harbeth line. I have the 40.3 XDs and love them. They would do well with the rest of your setup. | |
Bluesound Node Icon Thanks for the response that is great information ! | |
Bluesound Node Icon NAD makes one stand alone streamer and it is not high end. They do have a dac pre streamer - the M66 - that has the same streamer as the Node. | |
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all? mclinnguy I agree that looks are part of it. I love turning on the blue/green meters. After chasing the perfect sound for a few years I have settled on what works for me. Sounds like your in the same camp. Cheers and Happy Christmas. | |
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all? Wywires Platinum cables. I also tried Nagra amp and pre against the mcintosh stuff. It was better but only incrementally not 3 times better. I take it by your comments you are not a Mcintosh fan. In my experience from a cost for performance an... | |
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all? dhite71 I agree with your thoughts on streamers. I have tried a lot of streamers, dacs and all in ones. Here are some of the things I have tried: Bluesound (most of the models) DCS Bartok Lumin X1 Lumin P1 Lumin U2 T+A Dac 200 Berkeley A... | |
Bluesound Node Icon Thanks dhite71. That is great information. I have a second system in my lake house where I am using a Node N130 into a Border Patrol DAC into a Mcintosh MA6500. I think I am going to sell the N130 and BP DAC and get an Icon for that setup. I... | |
Bluesound Node Icon Moonwatcher - How did you determine there is a better power supply in the icon? | |
Bluesound Node Icon I agree with your thoughts I don't think the Icon streamer will be much better than the Node. I also love the bluesound OS and the multiroom is excellent. | |
Bluesound Node Icon What is I2S ? I too am hoping Bluesound will come out with a Higher end streamer only product. | |
Bluesound Node Icon Does anyone know if there is any difference between the Node ICON and the Node N130 besides the dual dacs in the Node Icon? | |
Bluesound Node Icon Hi Thanks for the feedback. I need to stay in the bluesound family because I have 3 zones in my home and need multiroom. | |
Mcintosh C2800 and C55 Great Video | |
When will McIntosh update the C2700 with the C2800? Great video |