
Responses from efoo

Bluesound Node Icon
I think the Jury is out.  I am basically of the opinion that is using an external DAC the X or 130 is the same as the ICON. If you are using the built in DACs then the ICON will be better.  
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
Why not move up the Harbeth line. I have the 40.3 XDs and love them. They would do well with the rest of your setup.  
Bluesound Node Icon
Thanks for the response that is great information !  
Bluesound Node Icon
NAD makes one stand alone streamer and it is not high end. They do have a dac pre streamer - the M66 - that has the same streamer as the Node.  
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all?
mclinnguy I agree that looks are part of it.  I love turning on the blue/green meters. After chasing the perfect sound for a few years I have settled on what works for me.  Sounds like your in the same camp. Cheers and Happy Christmas.  
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all?
Wywires Platinum cables.  I also tried Nagra amp and pre against the mcintosh stuff.  It was better but only incrementally not 3 times better. I take it by your comments you are not a Mcintosh fan. In my experience from a cost for performance an... 
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all?
dhite71 I agree with your thoughts on streamers. I have tried a lot of streamers, dacs and all in ones. Here are some of the things I have tried: Bluesound (most of the models) DCS Bartok Lumin X1 Lumin P1 Lumin U2 T+A Dac 200  Berkeley A... 
Bluesound Node Icon
Thanks dhite71.  That is great information. I have a second system in my lake house where I am using a Node N130 into a Border Patrol DAC into a Mcintosh MA6500.  I think I am going to sell the N130 and BP DAC and get an Icon for that setup.   I... 
Bluesound Node Icon
Moonwatcher - How did you determine there is a better power supply in the icon?    
Bluesound Node Icon
I agree with your thoughts I don't think the Icon streamer will be much better than the Node.   I also love the bluesound OS and the multiroom is excellent.    
Bluesound Node Icon
What is I2S ?   I too am hoping Bluesound will come out with a Higher end streamer only product.  
Bluesound Node Icon
Does anyone know if there is any difference between the Node ICON and the Node  N130 besides the dual dacs in the Node Icon?     
Bluesound Node Icon
Hi Thanks for the feedback.  I need to stay in the bluesound family because I have 3 zones in my home and need multiroom.    
Mcintosh C2800 and C55
  Great Video  
When will McIntosh update the C2700 with the C2800?
Great video