
Responses from rodar93

Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
You like the harbeth, why not the m40s. Or maybe spendor floor stander  
Warm, flexible, cheap-ish cables?
cardas + 1, iridium or parsec is a good choice  
Upgrade From Clearaudio Satisfy CF to Tracer?
Hi every body, have a chance to pick up a perfomence dc but body only. Wondering if the clearaudio tt can install non clearaudio tonearm. There's so less info can be found, even the official website and manual. I have been played with a modified ... 
Favorite mid-tier streamer
Lots option list above. But still wanna say, if you will use roon, check out roon nucleus one, 500 usd is hard to beat. Otherwise eversolo is a good choice, if yoi don't need the dac inside, just bypass it. And turn it on  one day you need it  
Mcintosh MCD12000 issues
How long have you been using the mcd12000? Looks like there is something wrong with one or more of the tubes. The best idea is contact your dealer or mcintosh directly  
Non-Audiophile Audiophile question!
I would vote for planar, like magnepan  
Speakers for Gryphon Diablo 120
Monitor audio pl100 maybe? I used to own harbeth shl5+ 40th and don't think that's a good sunc. Or maybe the new gold 100 6g  
Choose between McIntosh MA9000 used vs MA8950 new
I am a 8950 owner, and there's already a lot good opinion above, 200w rms, 400we Peak. New in condition Come with DA2 Etc Since you use 805 d4 I would say go for 8950, and I have some different experience to share with you. Somebody alrea... 
Eversolo DMP-A8 bypassing my preamp despite setting to fixed volume out
Sounds like something wrong with the ar 5se and only the 5se. Cause I have some experience with a dac come with the pre stage. You can just treat it as a pre or let’s call it pre-pre amp, like a phono pre with Potentiometer, or a preamp before an ... 
Fake bi-wire with two amps
@wbs seems like nobody interested in answering this question. Ask before I do it cause I don't want what @tony1954 said happened. @tony1954 i didnot see any connection between my question and the Russian Roulette. But anyway, let's see if my next... 
Fake bi-wire with two amps
@steve59  bingo, totally correct, without a switch box. I don't trust the switch box, the build quality and material will effect the sound quality and characteristic for sure. I can underdtand the speaker cable conncected become a capacitor with v... 
Teac UD-503 Volume problem
  @oddiofyl yes, tried for few times  
Teac UD-503 Volume problem
@oddiofyl yes, fix mode, variable mode, +6 db mode, matter where the volume set, it just happened. Opened and checked, no loose connection or soldering. @srinisr thanks, will check it out.  
Teac UD-503 Volume problem
@oddiofyl nope, but no matter what souce, (cd, computer, streamer, tv) using different conncetor (spdif, coax, usb), same thing happened  
Teac UD-503 Volume problem
@oddiofyl thanks, i have tried to reset and unplug even overnight. But the same problem comes after using for a while, never happened when it just powered on. Totally no clue