
Responses from bigkidz

Shipping costs- WTF
Contact this shipper to see if they will provide you with a better shipping rate.   Todd Currie Team BDL Phone: 860-386-6586 Fax: 860-386-6589    
A life sentence!!!
The amps and preamp that we build at Vu Jade Audio.  Hardly anything can compare.  Happy Listening.  
Guidance on cartridge options or new table
just buy a Denon 103 and get the wood body for it and then you can be done  it sounds as good as my gold bug  
a rant
It all comes down to the sound you prefer.  If most of you ever were at a reviewers home and listened to their systems, some of you would laugh at this.  They don't have golden ears ad some of the rooms are, well, not any better than your living r... 
Preamplifier options - seeking help to determine which one
We build a 6SN7 based tube preamp 2 chassis for $9k.  If you are interested, I can send one to you for an evaluation.   Happy Listening.  
Somebody Please Make This Already...
@eddnog I can build that.  How much are you will to pay?   Happy Listening  
Bose 901 Review Well Done.
In high school I could not afford them so we built what we called 1801s.  We doubled the size.  My friends brother was a MIT graduate so he figured out the size of the speaker, internal volume, etc. and they worked really well.  We used an 18 band... 
Most reputable independent tube equipment repair facilities in the US ?
@wharfy @inna   Our facility is in Northern New Jersey.  We have a sound room set-up there also.  My partner has a Masters degree in electronic design so he is able to repair almost anything we have received when other repair shops cannot. We ... 
I should start with speakers. This I know. I’d like to establish a new system.
Lots of info offered some pretty good, others not worth the time.  We are a manufacturer of audio components and have been doing equipment repairs for 25 plus years.  We have heard more equipment than probably everyone posting here combined.  That... 
At the top of the line is it really all that different?
First of all, system are different. What makes one system sound better may not produce the same results in another system.  We have a listening room and I cannot tell you how many times a person has brought something over to put in the system with... 
Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative”…..Part 1: I have a plan
The only integrated amp I would consider is the Line Magnetic.  It is 28wpc if I remember correctly BUT the transformers used are some of the best.  I think it retails for $4800.  Just plan awesome sounding and those transformers is all where the ... 
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
Better sounding speakers than the Harbeth but similar design are the Revival speakers. I also was told that the new model PMC speakers are excellent.  I have not had the chance to hear them yet.   Other that that, find some used Vandersteens an... 
Is it O.K. To Speculate Re: Company Stability Here?
I would check with the company first to see if they respond to a question before I post anything about them.  You have a concern and I understand that.  Is your concern about getting something repaired down the road? If something can be repaired,... 
SHIPPING speakers?
contact Team Worldwide      
Audio Research reference amplifiers used with RCA IC`s and unbalanced preamplifiers
@nsp search vujadeaudio Lets see if this works Peter