Who's running this show?

I’ve hung around Audiogon for several years, have enjoyed it, and have learned alot. I find the forum discussions to be interesting and entertaining.

There were two threads that were recently removed by a "moderator". The first was the one regarding ASR featuring the one and only Amir. It ran for a long time and had well over one thousand posts. Then one day it’s magically gone. The second thread was entitled What will you not buy? and had gone on for a few/several days. It had over three-hundred posts and then earlier today it went away.
This is Audiogon’s site and they can do with it what they wish. If I’m unhappy I’m free to go. I’m okay with that. Here is my interest: who is Audiogon? It seems to be a mystery.  There is absolutely no editorial voice, no communication with the administrators/officers/owners etc. Other forums that I visit have some dialogue between the members and the powers that be. T

To quell this curiosity I did a bit of online searching and found out a few things like the presidents name, location, number of employees, etc. This was all third party information; I found no presence at all from Audiogon. Again it’s their business and none of mine. But curiosity killed the cat and likely this thread will suffer the same fate. Anyone else find this interesting or unusual?









Thank You! Audiogon Administration. Can not understand why some do not have the discipline to follow simple rules. 

Go over to Audio Asylum

all my a$$holes are here, I don't want any new ones. 


I have an Allnic amp with a yellow meter. I will have to get an amp with a blue meter and do a shootout!


Go over to Audio Asylum and you can discuss all the political banter you want till you are blue in the face!

“The opinion that art should have nothing to do with politics is itself a political attitude.”

George Orwell


@abnerjack  I feel so sorry for the mess we are leaving the younger generation and I don't know how they are gonna reverse the status quo.  Do you?   

Yes, but I'm not allowed to talk about it.


“Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free men."

Dwight Eisenhower 

Emphasis added.

“Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free men."

Dwight Eisenhower 

Newton's fourth law:

When a mainly political discussion is closed, someone will open another one. 

(in case no one opens one, the members will randomly choose and turn an unassuming audio-focused thread into a political one)  


This is an audio site.

Exactly. Yet for some reason, some users here just can't help but raise issues of politics and religion. That reveals more about them than they realize.


"I might as well write emails to myself, it is that meaningless."




Posts/threads can be taken down for many reasons. More recently it is because the thread/subject turned political. This takes away from the subject at hand and causes the thread to deteriorate at a fast pace. 

Audiogon strives to maintain a forum that is informative, focused, and dynamic. In order to maintain a cohesive and vital database, we moderate the in a number of ways.

  • Threads are kept on-topic and relevant to our members.
  • Threads are closed if they are repetitive or hold little long-term interest.
  • Threads are closed if the standards of discussion are deteriorating.

Why A Forum Discussion May Be Removed

  • The question has been answered many times in the past.
  • The question is not detailed enough to solicit answers.
  • The question is not relevant to the discussion of this hobby.
  • The question is poorly worded, contains foul language, or is an attempt to sell or promote a user's product.

Why a Forum Post May Be Removed

  • It appears to be spam
  • Abusive towards another member
  • Depicts explicit and/or violent content
  • Contains profanity

We discourage rude or condescending behavior, but at the same time, we encourage active cooperation and passionate disagreement about audio-related issues, which can sometimes be a fine line.

If your Forum Post or Discussion was removed, it is because a user flagged it for breaking our community rules and a Support Agent reviewed the report and agreed. We also will send an email alerting you with a list of reasons why it was removed.

Post removed 

Other than the occasional discussion veering off the rails into politics, I find Audiogon to be the best forum on the web. Moderation seems pretty even handed, and the collective expertise is quite high. If your posts are pulled on a regular basis, look in the mirror.

Our political parties have failed us. Our choices a 77 yr. old, convicted criminal in Traitor I make no sense Trump and an 81 yr. old mumblin, and stumblin Joe. I’m sitting this one out for the first time in over 60 years.


This is an audio site. All the usual suspects always ruin it with their same political BS!!

Yawning bored girl pop art retro vector illustration - Moceanic

I just had a post deleted -my first- and while I’m biased I considered it pointed but innocuous.  The ‘form letter’ reasoning said nothing that applied to the post.  There must be some real snow flakes posting here that can’t tolerate any thing that questions their priors.

I’m free this afternoon and I am planning my playlist. I’m going to start with The Ray Brown Trio - Live at Scullers.

Enact strict no political or religious posts which entails much more moderation....hence why some threads last longer than others. (Tammy was on vacation.)

Or add a "mosh pit" section where anything goes. The jetsam and the flotsam and the froth.

Or Audiogon sponsors a Woodstock just for white guys over 50.

“Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it.”

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

OP seems to be looking for someone to finger point at, seems too many finger pointers nowadays.

@mdalton +1000

@deep_333 +1000 (although, I think Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer or Minnesota U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar are a few other ladies who could save the day)


Biden: Very high probability --> Parkinsons

Harris: Too much anxiety, stage fright, etc ---> possible mitigation attempts with marijuana, xanax, etc usage ---> starts to sound goofy on stage


Solution: Replace Biden with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (only Massachusetts and the great American ladies could save the day perhaps)

@inna yes, audiogon as a private company can censor and restrict speech all it wants without violating the First Amendment, would stay that only the government shall not a bridge free speech. audiogon will only run into trouble and so on can prove theyre restricting speech based on racial or other discriminatory practices

Hi @uncledemp, just the Odd of the 'Gon mostly hear...

Ummm....given the load the SCrOtUS just laid in our laps.....

F March, anyone know the Ides of July?

Is the 'Civil War' pic an instructional vid?

Even the 'Greater Law Community' is a bit back on heel over This One.

Will posts like these find one eventually standing in front of a pock-marked wall without a blindfold?

...hope not....

Like the birds reminded...."Attention" ;)

“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

—Martin Niemöller

Generic Christian here, just watching the wheels go round and round.

The general consensus appears to be that heaven = upwards direction and hell =  downwards direction

But, the earth keeps spinnin round and round on me...

I can't seem to tell exactly which way's up and which way's down...

I hope i end up in the right place when i board that single stage to orbit vehicle...

If the basic law keeps evolving all the time does it have any real meaning and weight ? Freedom of speech can have only one meaning - you have the right to say anything to anyone anywhere. Audiogon has no legal right to restrict it. Whether you exercise your right or not is up to you.

If anyone thinks it's a downward trajectory mess here take a look at what's been happening in France. Or is it to France ? Either way that is truly scary, and potentially even more so.

I don't think I would buy boutique power cords. Yet I just found in my closet  Acoustic Zen Tsunami and Signal Cable power cords I forgot I had. So I guess in the past I did buy them. 

@simao  , time to plug them into something and try them out!


It was not my intention to initiate a political discussion, but this thread has devolved in to one. 


Welcome to Audiogon. 

Good chance the previous mentioned thread disappeared like clockwork after god was introduced into the discussion in a primarily all cap rant.

I missed that.  I feel deprived.

  I don't understand.  If it was deemed fine, why was it shut down?

Good chance the previous mentioned thread disappeared like clockwork after god was introduced into the discussion in a primarily all cap rant.

It was not my intention to initiate a political discussion, but this thread has devolved in to one.  We are all frustrated by the current state of affairs.  It doesn't matter who you vote for. We, and much of the world, are on a steep decline.  Neither party or candidate will change that.  We all want pretty much the same thing, but we are seeing the "other side" as the enemy.  Back in the day it was us against them.  Down with "the man".  Power to the people, right on.  Now the man has figured out how to get us to hate one another.  We are effectively disenfranchised.  It doesn't matter who you vote for, things will continue in a downward direction. United we stand, divided we fall.  This thread and the deleted one show that if we are not totally fallen, we are staggering on the shakiest of legs. I feel so sorry for the mess we are leaving the younger generation and I don't know how they are gonna reverse the status quo.  Do you?   

By any chance, have you watched any news today on the Supreme Cults last decision of the year? I think you'd take most of what you said back if you did.

All the best,


I don't think I would buy boutique power cords. Yet I just found in my closet  Acoustic Zen Tsunami and Signal Cable power cords I forgot I had. So I guess in the past I did buy them. 

It was not my intention to initiate a political discussion, but this thread has devolved in to one.  We are all frustrated by the current state of affairs.  It doesn't matter who you vote for. We, and much of the world, are on a steep decline.  Neither party or candidate will change that.  We all want pretty much the same thing, but we are seeing the "other side" as the enemy.  Back in the day it was us against them.  Down with "the man".  Power to the people, right on.  Now the man has figured out how to get us to hate one another.  We are effectively disenfranchised.  It doesn't matter who you vote for, things will continue in a downward direction. United we stand, divided we fall.  This thread and the deleted one show that if we are not totally fallen, we are staggering on the shakiest of legs. I feel so sorry for the mess we are leaving the younger generation and I don't know how they are gonna reverse the status quo.  Do you?   


I'm so glad you brought up that reference as it's so apt.  

One day they're traditionalists, the next originalists, and on other days, historically aligned with the times of the day. When that doesn't work, they just make stuff up.

What they always overlook is that our founding fathers envisioned us having constitutional conventions every 30 years or so so as to keep up with the changing times as it was viewed as "living law" and not written in stone. They just came from living under England where the law always evolved and had no problems with that.

All the best,

The original question...who’s running AudioGon ?

Back in the day, it was simple and cheap to post an ad. Audiomart existed, but was basically a ghost town. Then someone got greedy, and completely complicated the process of posting an ad, while charging outlandish fee’s.

Back in the day the forum was filled with old school audiophiles that loved to share their knowledge and wisdom. Now, there are still a handful of great audiophiles who post and chime in, but pails in comparison to back then.

I rarely go through the ads on AudioGon anymore, and have certainly curtailed my participation on the forums.

I don’t know who’s running AudioGon, but in my opinion their doing a horrible job.

But curiosity killed the cat and likely this thread will suffer the same fate.  Anyone else find this interesting or unusual?

When i was a young nerd, I started a private audio listserv that's older than this forum or anything else i can think of...and i am also on other forums...

Hmmm, to truly understand and flow with the forums (all kinds of specimens you may encounter), ya gotta learn to not care, de-sheldonize a bit and understand the deeper cryptic meaning of this audiophile male vocals reference track. 


Post removed 

@nonoise +100


"mob mentality work around" is a good name for a band.

Our system is so antiquated and afraid of change, as if the Constitution is some kind of holy writ, although it's easy to cherry pick, like most religious texts.

@immatthewj Bingo!

We’re not a true representative democracy due to our founding fathers fear of mob mentality and yet, they’ve found a work around. It boggles the mind of other democracies around the world that someone can win millions more in the popular vote and lose by 30K votes from a few counties in 3 swing states in the Electoral College.

All the best,