
Responses from boxcarman

Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity?
I agree with all, but I usually  I dislike most arguments as they can be destructive in any relationship. But the old saying "There's one in every bar" rings true.    
One of my favorite bands, one that many have never heard.
If I wasn't so old, I would get up and dance to that.  Little Feat had a song by the same name, Lowell George naturally.  Maybe a reference to a doobie?  
Short in my system?
Nylon carpeting is often a culprit.  Synthetic materiels in clothing can hold what you pick up from your feet. Solutions can vary.  
Tubes and less sensitive speakers
Thanks for all the info and opinions.  I admit I have a case of upgradei itis and am approaching this with caution.  I am also considering Magnepan's new X models from which I have heard very good reports.  
Vinyl sounds better (shots fired)
I admit, my TT gets the most use when I have company and they notice my collection of LP's and my rather slick looking Thorens.  Otherwise I mostly stream.  There IS something to be said about vinyl being superior sounding vs digital,but streaming... 
Speaker or amplifer
Hegel is  for sure a "more bang for your bucks" amp.  I use an older model H360 that I am happy with. But, it does not sound like a tube amp but will power less sensitive speakers very well.  Give and take, if you ask me.  
Which end is which?
+1 @panzrwagon.  Just install it red end gozinta and don't think about it anymore.    
How many times can u visit a hifi store before it annoys the store if u plan on a purchase
ghdprentice is right.    
Unipivot tone arms
@dinov   I bought the original VPI Scout, same JMW 9 tonearm.  Unipivot works just fine.  I never liked the anti-skate feature using fishing line, feeling it had to be re-set too often.  
AC Power
If you are gonna spend good money on power conditioning, get a good warranty, then use it to see if you have an improvement in SQ.  If not, well, lots of us haven't been able to tell the difference.  
Talk me out of buying Monoblocks and into a stereo amp instead
If you get the stereo amp now, you will always wonder how much better the mono's are....    
Mixing XLR and RCA outputs when biamping?
I started out with Adcom separates in the 90's. MHO is that  Adcom was and is, starter equipment. You can and should go for something better.  
David Johansen has passed away
I was watching a blues special featuring several veterans when David came out and did a killer cover of Howlin Wolf's "Killing Floor".  You might be able to find it on You Tube.  Worth your while.  
Has anyone tried these SnugPlugs?
Go for a better outlet.  I noticed a bigger improvement in sound over new a/c power cords.  
Mystery with woofers. Help!
Remember that jumpers are part of the speaker cable line and get good ones.  I replaced standard stamped metal jumpers with cyro treated strand jumpers and it made a big difference.