Responses from boxcarman
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? I agree with all, but I usually I dislike most arguments as they can be destructive in any relationship. But the old saying "There's one in every bar" rings true. | |
One of my favorite bands, one that many have never heard. If I wasn't so old, I would get up and dance to that. Little Feat had a song by the same name, Lowell George naturally. Maybe a reference to a doobie? | |
Short in my system? Nylon carpeting is often a culprit. Synthetic materiels in clothing can hold what you pick up from your feet. Solutions can vary. | |
Tubes and less sensitive speakers Thanks for all the info and opinions. I admit I have a case of upgradei itis and am approaching this with caution. I am also considering Magnepan's new X models from which I have heard very good reports. | |
Vinyl sounds better (shots fired) I admit, my TT gets the most use when I have company and they notice my collection of LP's and my rather slick looking Thorens. Otherwise I mostly stream. There IS something to be said about vinyl being superior sounding vs digital,but streaming... | |
Speaker or amplifer Hegel is for sure a "more bang for your bucks" amp. I use an older model H360 that I am happy with. But, it does not sound like a tube amp but will power less sensitive speakers very well. Give and take, if you ask me. | |
Which end is which? +1 @panzrwagon. Just install it red end gozinta and don't think about it anymore. | |
How many times can u visit a hifi store before it annoys the store if u plan on a purchase ghdprentice is right. | |
Unipivot tone arms @dinov I bought the original VPI Scout, same JMW 9 tonearm. Unipivot works just fine. I never liked the anti-skate feature using fishing line, feeling it had to be re-set too often. | |
AC Power If you are gonna spend good money on power conditioning, get a good warranty, then use it to see if you have an improvement in SQ. If not, well, lots of us haven't been able to tell the difference. | |
Talk me out of buying Monoblocks and into a stereo amp instead If you get the stereo amp now, you will always wonder how much better the mono's are.... | |
Mixing XLR and RCA outputs when biamping? I started out with Adcom separates in the 90's. MHO is that Adcom was and is, starter equipment. You can and should go for something better. | |
David Johansen has passed away I was watching a blues special featuring several veterans when David came out and did a killer cover of Howlin Wolf's "Killing Floor". You might be able to find it on You Tube. Worth your while. | |
Has anyone tried these SnugPlugs? Go for a better outlet. I noticed a bigger improvement in sound over new a/c power cords. | |
Mystery with woofers. Help! Remember that jumpers are part of the speaker cable line and get good ones. I replaced standard stamped metal jumpers with cyro treated strand jumpers and it made a big difference. |