Responses from mahler123
Piano is just 300 years old? There's more. There are quite a lot of aficionados for fortepianos. Generalizations are always difficult. Many fortepianists are excellent musicians but in general I dislike the instrument. It sounds like a pre pubescent harpsichord to me. It’s easier for a ... | |
Piano is just 300 years old? There's more. Haydn wrote a gazillion baritone trios | |
Best Classical Labels for Sound Columbias got much better with digital remastering. Bernstein Mahler 7 best case in point; try comparing the LP, which sounds like it was recorded in a phone booth, with the CD issue. Or try any Bruno Walter CD, especially the Japanese remasters... | |
Best Classical Labels for Sound I have had many reach out and touch the musicians moments with BIS, particularly in Chamber Music; try their Haydn Quartets. BIS had been supporting SACD, which is my preferred way to access DSD. BIS doesn’t boost the midranges as some labels are ... | |
Best Classical Labels for Sound Try the Swedish label BIS. They were purchased by Apple who just canned their founder so act fast before all of their offerings are offered in mp3 only. Otherwise most of the excellent Classical Labels are smaller independents, such as Alia V... | |
Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype) People are also alarmed by economic instability. With the stock market tanking and trade wars in our midst, dropping megabucks on a used piece of audio gear doesn’t strike many of us as a prudent move. I wonder if the consumers of used vs new ... | |
Why did you purchase the equipment you have and what do you like most about it? To answer the question posed in the title, I purchased my present equipment because it sounds good, and I like it because it sounds good. This hobby really isn’t that complicated | |
What exactly is ROON? I used Audirvana with a PC before I started buying dedicated streamers. It was an excellent and inexpensive product. There were a few bugs that may have been fixed in the years since I used it | |
Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype) @winoguy17 +1 | |
Fine tuning the system. Where do you start and how do you proceed ? You seem to have no major issue with the current system. What exactly do you think could be improved. My suggestion is to make sure that you have a comfy listening seat, and adult beverage of your choice, and play music with obsessing about wh... | |
External blu-ray disc player/writer - can I burn a blu-ray disc? Is it just one disc that won’t play, or all of them? An external Optical drive that plays Blu Rays should work to play the discs. Copying them to a server , or even another disc, is another kettle of fish. It might be possible but probably not... | |
What exactly is ROON? You don’t “need” Roon. It helps organize music from streaming services and music that you may be storing on a server(s) into one area and then provides interesting factoids about the recording. If you want to know how many fifths of vodka Jon Bo... | |
My Esoteric DV-50S died. Where do I go next? Expensive gear ought to be serviceable ad infinitum , but the reality is that it is not. I’ve noticed a disproportionate amount of complaints about Esoteric in this regard, but I think it probably applies to all high end companies . If you got 2... | |
Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype) I don’t churn gear but this an interesting thread. I suspect that @mapman nailed the reasons | |
Qobuz and Chandos Try contacting Chandos. They sold out to somebody so you might have Google around. Hopefully it’s a temporary disruption. Score another point for Physical Media . Edit-I just looked it up. Chandos was sold to Naxos in 2024. Naxos and Qobuz appa... |