
Responses from dseltz

Balanced vs RCA preamps
@riie  Of course, that depends on how level your shelf is LOL  
Balanced vs RCA preamps
@inagroove noted: "With that said, both boxes have single-ended connections as well to appeal to a broader marked.  Why? Many sources are single-ended (ex. my Zest phono-pre is single ended output only, so the cable going into the ARC line-pre mu... 
Directional wires/cables
cundare2. Do Tell!!  
Balanced vs RCA preamps
+1 maxdukecapone I own the Arik Audio Motherload XL. Balanced following the AES48 standard, also with RCA. It is a well made, beautifully sounding pre-amp.  And dead quiet. I have two amps, the Atmasphere Class D (a beautiful pairing) as well as ... 
Beware - FedEx Drivers are forging signatures for delivery confirmation
I am fortunate and know both my UPS & FedEx drivers. They do good work, and yes, have way more deliveries than they should each day. Even though, when it is a very expensive item I have found having the delivery sent to a corporate store to be... 
What would you save in a fire?
@jond  Hmmm, that would be a great thing. Of course, Audiogon has only one font lol  
What would you save in a fire?
@grislybutter  I don't know if you are on Reddit, but comments like yours are followed by an /s to indicate sarcasm. Those of us who are unsure of your meaning can see that, yes indeed, you were only joking. It spares a lot of hurt feelings by pe... 
Good choice for 20' XLR cable?
+1 Mogami XLR cables are made for very long runs. 100' is mot a problem. Cables itself has much less effect on SQ as long as you go with a well made quality cable, like Mogami. Spending 1000s on XLR cable, IMO, is money that can be much better sp... 
300B Tube Amps with 15/16 Watts Per Channel?
  @atmasphere said, "Put another way, if your speakers are efficient enough that the SET never needs to make more than about 25% of full power you’ll really start to hear the best of what that amp can do. In case there’s any doubt, this is part o... 
Audio Cables: All the Same?
I don't know. I am sure there are far more critical listeners (hearers) than me, but I don't hear a huge difference between cables, etc. I am certain my listening space limits some of this, but I used to live in a different house with a more optim... 
Iwin +1  
Merason dac MK1 on audio mart
USAudio sent this to my inquiry "Hi there, We're in communication with both parties and we're confident that there was no scam. Just a breakdown in communication. Cxxxx - USAM Moderator Team"  
Merason dac MK1 on audio mart
Perhaps, all can only be answered by hearing both sides of the story.  
Merason dac MK1 on audio mart
Everyone should tag the ad on the other site, as it is still active. I tagged as scam and noted a friend was scammed, but the item remains an active ad  
Merason dac MK1 on audio mart
Seller Moniker +1   That will really help us avoid a loss