
Responses from abnerjack

Audio stores near Bloomington/Normal Illinois?
https://www.glennpoors.com/ A short drive.  Very nice shop and good people  
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all?
Or maybe you don't have a good digital cable.  
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all?
Apparently you are not drinking the koolaid.  My experience is the same as yours.  I would expect someone will comment that either your equipment or your ears are not up to snuff.  
DeVore O/93 or PureAudioProject Duet15 for a First Watt SIT-3?
@fsonicsmith   Wow!  Dealer has just been outed.  Scandalous indeed.  This must be the tribe of big secrets.  
Holy Holostages!!
They must be good, look who is recommending them:   Tetrault Audio’s Holostages are a revelation, and highly recommended.  https://millercarbon.com/reviews  
Recommendations for a jazz record which demonstrates vinyl superiority over digital
I would agree that "Kind of Blue" is not well recorded.  The Kevin Gray remaster is an improvement, but it still falls short.  However, I would still be happy listening to Jonl  on a 1960's am radio.  
PayPal Friends & Family listings. Why is this becoming so common?
Many are afraid of the IRS 1099 reporting requirements.  
Battle of the Older DAC
@larsman @cfarrow   I too have the Herron pair.  It's good stuff.  
What's my best upgrade options
@dothebluecolts  The best upgrade would be a new defensive coordinator.  The run defense lost the last game.  Second, can we remember Andrew Luck?  The same ending will likely happen with Richardson if he continues to run the ball.  Whoops!  Sor... 
Audiophiles in the Wild - They're on to us...
Best looking group of philes I've ever seen.  
Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd.
@helomech  Sorry I didn't see your post before I made mine.  Maybe this will help the OP with the thinking.  
Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd.
@tkrtrb125 Your question makes no sense.  Different cables might not make a difference sound wise, but they are necessary for separate components.  Naysayers would say that once you recognize the need for cables they all sound alike.  You're askin... 
Rogue Audio RP-1 DAC use
@audphile1 "That's bad form".  Good one!    Bad form is doubling down on a useless post.  I left out " (it’s not RP1 cause it’s pretty transparent) and or your room acoustics are bad or all of the above."   Are you saying that the room acoustics ... 
Rogue Audio RP-1 DAC use
  "If after getting acclimated to one DAC it all still sounds the same to you, you’re either not capable to hear the differences or your system is not revealing" @audphile1 Surely you can do better than this tired old cliche'.  OP already demonst... 
Do high dollar mono blocks truly improve the Sound Quality over the mid tier amps
@helomech A popular audiophilism is that the shorter the speaker cables the better.  Do you think this is a significant issue?  Thanks.