Things we cannot be bothered by anymore

Occurred to me today that I have dropped stuff that I cannot just be bothered by anymore, and wondering what some of you out there have let go of as well 

Me (lean mostly into analog)

- Lifting a tonearm lever to cue a platter - no more - years off my life

- Carbon brushes, cart cleans with every spin or two - years off my life

- Ugly racks that look like ones I had in 10th grade, though cost 20x more - out 

- Listening at low volume levels to gauge audiophile purity

- A/B'ing streaming platforms 

Finale - $50 audiophile pressings "remastered from the original master tapes" that sound like sanitized cheese spread - magic gone, warped, drop-outed, bubbled, and gain-whacked (there are exceptions for sure)


How about you? 








To paraphrase George Burns: “At my age, the only thing I care about is if the soup is hot.”  

I don’t mind all the hurdles to overcome for vinyl playback. I’m sure the day will come when it’s too much of a bother, but that day ain’t here yet.

I can’t be bothered with

1) preamps without remote

2) "girl with guitar/piano" recordings that are more about the sound than the music

3) speakers that fall flat when trying to reproduce Tool at 95 db

4) people that disregard, out of hand, tweaks and equipment without first hand experience.


#3 - tremendous - stress release does not start leaving my body until 80db or so ... 

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One may not be bothered by chaos but that will not shield one from the impacts.

Chaos is chaos. Nothing to do with politics. It’s never good though some may actually enjoy it. Different strokes….

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I cannot be bothered by those who can't keep their politics out of an audio and music forum.


I cannot be bothered by those who can't keep their politics out of an audio and music forum.

I wish it didn't bother me but I think we are in agreement that such topics have no place here. 

I cannot be bothered with/by people who are constantly preaching that the actual sound of the recording that is being reproduced by my system should not matter and that it should be "all about the music" and that because this is how they feel about listening it is the only correct way to feel about listening and therefore the way everyone should feel about listening.

I cannot bother with listening to horrible recordings/masterings/mixes of great music that come out of my speakers sounding like hammered dogcrap.


I cannot bother with listening to horrible recordings/masterings/mixes of great music that come out of my speakers sounding like hammered dogcrap.

Totally understand the sentiment. However, I just replaced my jurassic-era DAC, and I have to be bothered again. CDs I thought were good now are meh. Some that I thought were merely good are excellent. It's not all for the worst - I'm rediscovering stuff I didn't remember I had ever listened to!

I wish I was not bothered by WalMart shoppers who appear to be oblivious of the fact that there are other shoppers who would like to traverse the aisle or store exit that has been obstructed by what has effectively became a human road block.

I feel kind of bad because because earlier today I was attempting to leave Walmart and an employee was engaged in some type of conversation with a shopper who was sitting in one of those battery operated shopping carts that some shoppers use to drive down aisles in and they were both completely blocking access to the exit of the store, and I am sure I came off as being rude.



Reviews of $100,000 (and above) loudspeakers, power amps, and turntables, $50,000 (and above) CD players, phono stages, and pre-amps, $10,000 (and above) phono pickups.


I cannot be bothered by/with reading about how much better vinyl is than digital.  (Even if it is that much better.) 

Luckily none of that applies to me no turntable, happy with my streaming setup and listening to Class A SET amps. wink

Cable/fuse arguements.

I don't care. Buy them/try them/keep them/return them. Don't care.

Do whatever you want.

This has to be one of the silliest things that has crept its way into audiophilia.

Just this weekend, a buddy of mine was hitting a sax with me backing him on keyboard in my listening room, 90db, 95db, piece of cake...

I bet you all won’t last 10 minutes of your great Miles Davis playing something in your room..all your purity is gonna get a rude awakening real quick when that trumpet hits a 100db.

Purity (facepalm)


- Listening at low volume levels to gauge audiophile purity

At my age, I cannot be bothered with pre-ordering "soon-to-be-released" music that never seems to get released. Other than that. I cannot be bothered with reading people's complaints, including my own.

Giant heavy toys that are a pain to work with.  Maybe an exception for larger  speakers that really deliver. 

1. Audio reviews that claim speakers selling for $750K are a screaming bargain.

2. People.

3. New Jersey drivers.

4. The constant bickering surrounding vinyl vs CD.

5. People.


Can't be bothered by any transistor preamps/amps. They may have them, I won't.

Can't be bothered by cars that cost as much as good/excellent/great audio system.

Can't be bothered by record reissues. No need, I go after originals.

Can't be bothered by French speakers. Just kidding.

More than tired of being bothered by being bothered by that which shouldn't be bothered with in the first place....trying to read 'the signs' that ought to be placed around and about the latter bother that no one bothered to leave such warnings when it bothered enough to bother to bitch about That bother....

All Is Bother:  Bother to show me it's not. *Bronx Cheer*

@rlb61 #2 & 5: "Hell is other humans."
             #1: For those that Can when you Can't....Deal with it....😒

             #4: See initial ihmo at the beginning above...if you bothered to...

             #3: Was in NJ & NYC recently... not impressed with either.
                   Grew up with LA freeways.  I already know what you're going to try.

Assume that all are operating under my 'comment' for #'s 2 &5; I'm behind you.

Sleep well, y'all.... ;)

For music I can’t be bothered with:

1. vinyl except when it’s included in box sets with CDs and BluRays.  I don’t have a turntable anymore so the albums stay in the box.  
2. Radio with commercials.  

3.  Overpriced concerts.  If I can buy your entire music catalog on CD for less than the price of 2 tickets, I’m out.  

Beyond music, negative or toxic people.  Life is too short.  

Hey, you kids stay off of my lawn!  

Endless debates about gear when control of key variables have not been accounted for. Take, for example, the room.

Food critics would never debate the quality of food if they were unsure whether or not food was doused in ketchup...

But many audiophiles will debate the sound of gear not knowing the role the room is playing.


You guys inspire me:

1. YouTube videos where the poster blabbers about anything except the point of why you clicked in the first place.

2. Small type. Can’t read it, MAKE IT BIGGER! Related: Ads with a black background and small gray type. Idiots.

3. $100k speakers (and subwoofers extra). Why do $100k speakers NEED subwoofers?

4. Songwriters that don’t know how to write songs. Apparently, writers these days don’t know how to develop a song. Give you EVERYTHING in the first verse and have nothing (new) for the last. Also, stupid repetition. Changing a single word in a subsequent verse (hey! Don’t cost anything!) shows that you’re, at least, awake.

Hey you kids! Get off my song!

I cannot be bothered with forum contribution's that read like an advertisement for Big Audio. “I own a … and it cost … and it is better because it came from…”

Let’s get real here folks, anyone who is on Audiogon has owned, borrowed, bought, built and experimented with lots and lots of Stuff. You are not impressing anyone (at least not me).