Occurred to me today that I have dropped stuff that I cannot just be bothered by anymore, and wondering what some of you out there have let go of as well
Me (lean mostly into analog)
- Lifting a tonearm lever to cue a platter - no more - years off my life
- Carbon brushes, cart cleans with every spin or two - years off my life
- Ugly racks that look like ones I had in 10th grade, though cost 20x more - out
- Listening at low volume levels to gauge audiophile purity
- A/B'ing streaming platforms
Finale - $50 audiophile pressings "remastered from the original master tapes" that sound like sanitized cheese spread - magic gone, warped, drop-outed, bubbled, and gain-whacked (there are exceptions for sure)
Appreciating and experiencing incredible sound without the manic need to own it right then and there ... not easy
Approaching demos with the mindset of "what is weak here" before even firing it up, then leaning into a listening positing looking for faults - this is my own character defect in life overall - WIP
I’m done going to see & hear great musicians in even moderate sized venues whose sound gets ruined by big line array speaker systems digitally amplified. Most of the beautiful nuance, detail, tone etc. of their fine skills played on great instruments is lost. My pretty good home system does a better job communicating all this than any live concert I’ve seen in several years. Small venues like a nightclub or cafe is all I’ll consider now but there aren’t that many left anymore.
YouTube videos that over hype products. “This will destroy all others” or “The last “blah blah” you’ll ever need”. “Holy Grail.” And my all time favorite “Giant Killer”.
How politics has seemed to now permeate every facet of our lives and every single topic ever discussed, no matter how irrelevant;
Audio specific:
Hyperbolic overmarketing of opinion as fact. If you want me to pay attention, just tell me WHY you think something is cool (and please, a few factual data points to back up your points - or even a comparison to show superiority... OR just say "I don't really know why this is so cool - I just like it!")
Excellent - and then of course there is "punches above its weight" - what weight?
And this ties into the infamous loophole in all YT reviews, "best in its price class" - seems sort of limiting in that other products "punch above their weight" eh?
@carlso63I think most people would agree about the intrusion of politics into so many aspects of life.
I blame it on the voters. Stop voting for control-freak, narcissistic, far right and far left politicians who are unable to process and address the views of 90% of society. Vote for throughtful and maybe even compassionate centrists/moderates willing to listen to more points of view.
That’s the only way. Otherwise we will all live in the h-lll we ourselves as voters create trying to always stick it to the other guy and get our own way, no matter what the effect it may have on others or society as a whole.
Very selfish!!!!!! I guess it's simply a part (luckily not the whole) of human nature that we should all learn to get a handle on.
No land with very polarized ideologies has stayed as a unified land/entity for too long (in the history of humanity)..
Major powers constantly produce disinformation campaigns to weaken each other in that regard (divide & conquer). Relatively simple minded critters that form the majority of a population don't have much choice in the matter, except fall for it..requires more intuition and iq to look through it.
Some cultures are more resilient, some are not.
Vote for throughtful and maybe even compassionate centrists/moderates willing to listen to more points of view.
@deep_333I agree. It's hard to get diverse populations to get along much less see eye to eye. But that's pretty much what this country is about and supposedly makes it great and a place diverse peoples want to live in...all that melting pot stuff. Maybe we are doomed to fail in the end, or maybe we truly are "great" and make it so. Nothing lasts forever. THat much is for sure.
If the US splits in the near future, it will probably be based on right wing or left wing ideology...not religion, race or ethnicity.
The US is not some one of a kind cultural melting pot. Melting pots have existed in different parts of the world for thousands of years (India, Africa, etc).
@deep_333 I agree. It’s hard to get diverse populations to get along much less see eye to eye. But that’s pretty much what this country is about and supposedly makes it great and a place diverse peoples want to live in...all that melting pot stuff. Maybe we are doomed to fail in the end, or maybe we truly are "great" and make it so. Nothing lasts forever. THat much is for sure.
powercords,interconnects and speaker cables that are stiff/heavy enough to move equipment or have broken inputs or iec’s
exotic footers and platforms that make marginal difference and are ridiculously expensive.
exotic contact enhancers that get on everything
magical fuses and all the audio jewelry that is as costly as new components
I’m guilty of having fallen trap to all of the above for many tens of thousands of dollars.
Now just want to plug it in and enjoy the music.
Cannot be bothered by no tolerance for pops here and there on an original vinyl pressing of Mingus' "The Clown" that sounds infinitely better than any $50 reissue ,,, and I just listened to both.
Anything out in the world that may rob me of the joy I find in music ... there is a time and place to head down the spiral of despair, whatever the cause, however, not when I am locked into a groove - that is my sacred space - and that will not be forfeited - full stop.
LOL! I cannot be bothered with my vinyl anymore either. First, I don't think that on my system, and without a mega $10K plus turntable, phone preamp, cartridge, etc., vinyl has any thing on digital. Plus, my 800+ albums from the 70's, although I used a DiscWasher and a ZeroStat religiously, and had a Thorens TT, still have plenty of surface noise and clicks and pops that I can't imagine would sound any better on a megabucks rig. Then there is the constant needle drop, the getting up from my listening chair to change albums or flip sides, etc. With all my albums digitized, with streaming and with Roon, with music curated by Roon after the album is over, I CAN'T BE BOTHERED!
At this stage in my life I do not allow anything to bother me. I focus on what I can control, which is self. That which is beyond my control is not relevant.
Should I add listening to blowhards claiming perfected hearing after 40 odd years in an opera house and or types boasting of disposable cash. Of course their speakers to tweaks are the prettiest and best that with which they’ll push onto anybody that’ll listen. This was fun.. cheers !
I can't be bothered with silly things like listening to music in any way/format. I just want to read/talk about all the marvelous equipment to achieve Nirvana for music listening; specially if the equipment is over $100,000.
Can't be bothered with knowing what to do with my defunct 500+ CD collection. Removing them and having empty shelves with nothing to put on them. All that money, wasted!!
Perhaps, had I known streaming was only 35 years away I wouldn't have bothered with CD .... lol
I can't be bothered reading this post anymore.... Oh wait, damn I just read the whole thing.
EDIT: I can't be bothered with weather or not I contradict myself. I'll just open my mouth. Maybe my contradictions will start a meaningful conversation.
Let me recount my list of things no longer interested or bothered with:
1. Those who insist their 1000 dollar cables sound better than my normally priced ones. I will never find out if they do because I am not foolish enough to squander my hard earned money into anything that makes such outlandish claims.
2. those who make the assertion that raising the cables off the floor makes a difference...I call that total BS and I dont care who likes my opinion. :)
3. Anyone who insists that class AB is better sounding than a well executed class D. Sorry folks the measurements and listening tests say othrwis.
Y'all are having too much fun...(summoning the dream police) *beep*chatterchatter*Boop/Beep*
Yeah, I'll hold....(azhole)....*mute*
Y'all stay still....
All DACs' do sound the same....*dangles bait before meat grinder*
*eyes soapbox* noo....
HERE...we find respite from all that noise 'out there' ...hopefully, not always...it's difficult to disconnect reality v. one's desire for simplicity and need of 'pause for one's cause', whatever that may be.
Ours is That Sound That We Seek.
Good luck on getting There.
I cannnot be bothered with endless discussions on particular cable superiority regardless of the kind of cable it is.
* - listening to modern rock and roll and whatever millennials call music today...
* - No Effin rap please, or hip hop, or Nine Inch Nails. No please. Music needs to coddle me and uplift me, help me relax, soothe my tortured soul, and make me feel human again. Classical, blues, some older rock and even folk music ( I know you guys hate that ). Sometimes its like drinking wine at a beer party or drinking beer at a wine party. But sometimes I just dont want what everyone else is having. If all I had to listen to was so called modern music, I would just give up and not listen to anything. I guess that makes me officially an old fart. I don't care, it is what it is.
Cannot be bothered with the never ending cycle of old people saying to young people "that's not even real music / I can't understand any of the words!!"
Yes, definitely silly (among other things), for not considering them "actual musicians." Typical old people...."cannot understand the words.....their hair is too long.....they need a bath.....it's too loud....they can't even play their instruments.....it's just screaming...that's not real music....it's too fast...blah...blah...blah. Thanks for embodying my point....
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