

Responses from ticat

A life sentence!!!
Zeta tone arm… 43 years and counting.  
Audio companies in the mirror
Dayton Wright Watson Labs Mitch Cotter H&H Saec Cobra Cables Audio Design Naiad Products  
Anticable Cables: what do you like about them thread?
+1 @tomcarr  I applaud your dedication to The Brand and I also enjoy an entire suite of AC products in my main system.  (Additionally, I used Zeros for many years to help marry tube amps to various exotic speaker designs but have since moved on ... 
Some people actively participate but rarely if ever start a thread.
I have not started any threads or opened any discussions for All of the Reasons Listed Above. +1 @sns    
Who has kids that are in a band or have been?
My son has seven years of Post Secondary education in Music. Theory, composition, jazz and classical guitar at both the College and University levels. He wanted to be a Music Teacher… until he actually had the opportunity to do it. Along the way t... 
$3500 floor standing speakers used. What would be your choice ?
Ha… I just spent that this week (but CDN not USD) on a used pair of speakers. Probably not your cup of tea though… Coincident Total Victory but I have desired these for a long time, saw an opportunity and decided I should just indulge. Good Luck w... 
I find myself "tuning out" anymore.....is the magic fading?
Yes, everyone I know who is in the hobby of Audio has had to Take a Break. When it hit me, a long time ago, I mothballed the whole thing for several years. More recently, whenever I feel like I am sliding back into complacency (with Audio/Music) I... 
Things we cannot be bothered by anymore
I cannot be bothered with forum contribution's that read like an advertisement for Big Audio. “I own a … and it cost … and it is better because it came from…” Let’s get real here folks, anyone who is on Audiogon has owned, borrowed, bought, built... 
MissingCDs and records
OP… I agree with your point. Good Luck with the new hip and Keep Listening…  
My Analog Journey - Opinions Sought
Great to hear everyone commenting has an opinion (usually) based on their experiences (and  Most sound interesting and positive). The OP has made a “turn” in The Road, doesn’t sound like his First and guaranteed to not be his Last…  …and the enti... 
Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable?
Yuuuppp… don’t do it. Waste of time and your money. Mixing analog and digital does Neither Any Good…  
Your journey with lower-watt tube amps -- Can a kit be good enough?
VK Music assembled preamp and p/p Elekit amp and SunValley phono preamp with all the upgrades. Very Happy and very Good Service! Highly Recommended…  
What were your top musical discoveries of 2024?
Room Full of Teeth… Psychedelics  
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
I am no fan of Mr Beato but… I respect the learned opinion of an experienced Industry professional over the ramblings and half baked comments of amateur “experts “… just saying, he has a Point  
Any regrets in selling gear?
Quad 57’s. 27 years ago, my (then new) wife encouraged me to “get rid of those room heater looking things”. We are still happily married but I regret daily, the loss of my beloved (non-WAF) Quads.