Responses from bassbuyer
Do You Unplug Equipment During Thunderstorms? Yes if you can. A direct hit can fry almost everything plugged in but not always in my experience. One time it did. Another time it didn’t. Lightning is an unpredictable phenomenon. Better safe than sorry. | |
And the biggest influence on sound quality is... It’s first the quality of the recording in my experience. Garbage in, garbage out. Then the speakers and then the source - streamer or CD into the DAC. Then preamp, amp and finally cables. The room is a wild card. I have a system that travels betw... | |
Whats playing on your system today? Jimi Hendrix - Band of Gypsies and Songs for Groovy Children. Getting ready for the Experience Hendrix concert tonight. | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? Interesting discussion. I am a relatively new member of this forum. One of the reasons I joined is that the topics involve music and equipment and that comments are mostly positive and constructive. I have moved away from other sites because a ... | |
Wifi vs ethernet revisited I’ve tried the same and find that a good Ethernet cable (I use a 6A from Blue Jeans cable made to length) from the router or from an Eero pod works better than Wi-Fi. The streamer is important too. My Innuos Zen MK3 improved the sound when I upg... | |
Speakers sound too bright. If you had speakers in the same room that sounded good to you, return the speakers. I had the same issue with B&W 702 S2 towers. The dealer told me to burn them in for 100 hours. 4 days later they sounded the same. I returned them. Life i... | |
One of my favorite bands, one that many have never heard. NRBQ was the big local band when I was in college in the 80s. They never made it big but did make a Simpson’s episode. That’s big time. Reminds me of how REM was also big on the college circuit at the time but then they broke big. Funny has so... | |
Upcoming Trip I have the Bathys. I kept them over many other models. I also have pair of Bose ANC cans. The Focals had the best quality sound and quality build and are comfortable to wear. The only downside is the active noise canceling isn’t as good as the... | |
A life sentence!!! Great question, I have to agree it’s me. Once I’m gone the family will breakup my system quicker than a supergroup. if I had to pick one component it would be my Innuos Zen MK3 streamer. Great sound and the CD ripper with 1TB storage brings my... | |
Whats playing on your system today? Rush - 50. 50 year anniversary retrospective. Includes 7 unreleased cuts including one from their last concert. RIP NP. | |
Send in the Clowns People perceive things differently and have preferences when it comes to sound. That’s why there is no perfect speaker (or other piece of equipment). I was reading some of the studies published on sound on the AES website and it was interesting ... | |
Is the "improvement" real or imnagined? Perception is reality. Trust your ears and enjoy your music. | |
Bose Chucks Mac I think everyone was wondering what would happen to Mc with the purchase by Bose. This is the 1st thing I’ve heard. I buy at Best Buy and with their store closures and changes the closest Magnolia location is now in another state so it impacted ... | |
What are your go to LP's for evaluating new gear or new tubes? I didn’t see Steely Dan in concert until they made a comeback with their last couple of albums. They sounded excellent because they had top players that could reproduce the album cuts. That’s supposedly what stopped them from touring in the 70s ... | |
What are your go to LP's for evaluating new gear or new tubes? The new Steely Dan LP reissues are excellent. They just came out with Katy Lied. Aja was so well produced back in the day too. Great test of vocals and instruments on your system. |