Things we cannot be bothered by anymore

Occurred to me today that I have dropped stuff that I cannot just be bothered by anymore, and wondering what some of you out there have let go of as well 

Me (lean mostly into analog)

- Lifting a tonearm lever to cue a platter - no more - years off my life

- Carbon brushes, cart cleans with every spin or two - years off my life

- Ugly racks that look like ones I had in 10th grade, though cost 20x more - out 

- Listening at low volume levels to gauge audiophile purity

- A/B'ing streaming platforms 

Finale - $50 audiophile pressings "remastered from the original master tapes" that sound like sanitized cheese spread - magic gone, warped, drop-outed, bubbled, and gain-whacked (there are exceptions for sure)


How about you? 








@johnnotkathi ,

"Typical old people...."cannot understand the words.....their hair is too long.....they need a's too loud....they can't even play their's just screaming...that's not real's too fast...blah...blah...blah.  Thanks for embodying my point...."

What decade do you think this is and how in the world did what I say embody your point?


Maybe I misinterpreted your comment:

"I know, right?

Silly old people for liking their music created by actual musicians..."

This seemed to be an insinuation that the half time performer was "not a musician." If my interpretation was accurate, then I think my comment in the previous post is clear. If I am incorrect, my bad; sorry....

@johnnotkathi ,

No, you interpreted it correctly. I don't think rappers are in any way, shape or form musicians. They're entertainers, not my cup of tea but entertainers none the less.

It was your other comments about long hair, needs a bath, etc. that harken back to what the older generation might have said back in the 60's and early 70's about rock bands and hippies that I don't see being applicable today. Anyway, I don't want to screw up another fun thread, so I'll end by saying I respect your personal view of that genre. Plenty of room for everyone.

I don't think rappers are in any way, shape or form musicians.


I'll say this as respectfully as I can: You are wrong.

I may not be a huge rap fan, but rap unquestionably is music.


@thecarpathian  -  Yes, my comments about "long hair, all sounds the same, can't even play their instruments," etc reflect what I heard as a kid in the early 70's and well beyond, from parents and other "old folks & friends" protesting that which they didn't like and/or understand.  I am sure my folks heard the same from others when they were young, and so on.  It's the same vibe as many comments about the SB HT performance.....devil

@devinplombier ,

Yes, I realize it's a recognized music style, but speaking for myself, to me is not music.

Rap. IMHO it is music… just not mine. The Super Bowl music should appeal to the masses, not something so controversial as Rap. I do enjoy Rap’s beat. Something like Raye. A beautiful voice both singing and talking, with a Rap like beat. 

My daughter tells me I ought to consider Rap to be poetry without the bongo drums…🤔

From Liner notes on "Masked Marauder" album: The steady "thump, thump, thump" of the drum"!

You can find some very creative and viable rap but it takes some time and I cant be bothered.

Every generation looks back and says the same things about past music. Elvis, the hippie stuff, punk, rap, metal, etc. Worst thing to come along, other than MTV, is the ease at which you can manipulate using digital recording.

Give me the Sex Pistols over Boston (or any arena rock band from this era) any day of the week. Oh and how about all that pukey/puffy prog. stuff from the 70s?

So many of you have become your parents!

No. 3... Girl singers you can't hear for the thumping band.   Maybe they can't sing, just say'in.

No. 2... Heavy equipment of any sort

No. 1... People who hate equipment, cables and speakers who have never heard them. 

If you haven't heard it or can't afford it; too bad, you don't have an opinion. 


Hard wired RCA cables from tonearms that will not reach inputs  

Dismissing the golden era of CD's, where some of these box sets and jackets are intricate works of art, and WILL be in museum exhibits at MOMA one day (if they have not already) - e.g. Bowie cards in Station to Station box set, TH box where each jacket includes an original work of art, Goodbye Babylon engraved (by hand) and singed block type on a large wooden slide box, Seven Steps to Heaven tissue tracing illustrations, and on and on and on.

LP's the same for decades as we know, and have been in countless global high profile art exhibitions around the world. Robert Frank's many images on Exile on Main Street at the Frank exhibit at MOMA last year case in point. 

If some sound like crap, well, we are hearing the same master on (pick your platform). YMMV.