

Responses from hilde45

Mike's Barn.
I enjoyed seeing it. If anyone can explain why one might intentionally have two turntables, I'm curious.  
I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment.
Same solution Canadians have made about tourism to the U.S.A.   
And the biggest influence on sound quality is...
The quality of the recording itself. Then the room, the setup, the speakers, and lastly the  front end. Try playing your speakers outside and see if you reevaluate the importance of the room. ;-)  
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity?
I get along fine with people who compliment me and agree with everything I say. I think you're a very stable genius, wolf.  
Oh no, say it ain't so.
@superblueapm  my new system has me branching out to so much more music than I had been listening to.  And back to stuff, I once loved.  Perfect! This is me, too.  Paying attention to sound leads one to more music, and vice-versa. Imagine so... 
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity?
+1  @whart  The reason I joined was to ask hobbyists about things that they would know but others wouldn't -- typically technical questions about all things audio. I've gotten a lot of great answers here, and a number of threads I've started have... 
Is this a new trend?
Seems like you’re looking for data like this: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/loudspeaker-market Otherwise, I have no idea why you see the advertisements you see. Maybe others in this forum are market analysts with actual em... 
Upgrade to sound quality of Dynaudio Heritage speakers
The Benchmark AHB2 would manhandle the dyns. Only question is would you like the combination. Much less expensive ($3500) than a lot of other amps. Hell, you could get two and run them as monos. E.g. I’ve had the AHB2 for the past few weeks, an... 
Oh no, say it ain't so.
What is inherently better about loving music over gear? Is it not like loving cruelty over kindness or loving sociopaths rather than saints? The people who like to chant, "It's about the music" need to put their keyboards away and go listen to m... 
Speakers sound too bright.
I had the same experience with the XTi60's and could not mitigate the brightness. Good ribbon tweeters cost money and quality can vary a lot. The ML's are perhaps a bit too much of a bargain. I found the RAAL tweeters in the Ascend Towers to have... 
A life sentence!!!
Pass XA-25  
Does anyone experience sound improvement from restarting power off and on of DAC?
My DAC sounds better after I flush all the toilets in the house.  
Upscale Audio is up front with customers
I did watch the video, and I’m not sure why you chose this one for a virtual high-five to Kevin. Tariffs and price increases have been the hot topic for weeks, months - this is literally the furthest thing from "insider info". I agree it’s not ... 
Upscale Audio is up front with customers
But as far as Kevin being a "friend in the business" and "upfront"? Hah! Only as far as it doesn’t impede profits.  My comment related to the video in the OP -- I assume you watched it. It is him directly telling customers about tariffs and the... 
Is the "improvement" real or imnagined?
If you perceive that it sounds better then it does. If you perceive a straight stick is bent in water (because it looks bent), it is actually bent in water? Um, no -- appearance and reality are different things. The way I would phrase your id...