
Responses from tablejockey

VPI usere here. If you can up the budget a little more-Audio Techinica ART9. Needs around 60db's of phono stage gain. Search the archives to see how popular it is. You will hear a lively, dynamic p... 
The (never ending) Quest For “More”
? We're listening  to recordings thru electronic boxes...not playing musical instruments.    
Well, at least it wasn't Hotel California or a Diana Krall tune...  
Upgrade Interconnects/Cables or…?
Your setup is fine. I would seek the best available  pressing of your preferred music and avoid audio forums. No cable/tweaky add on will magically  transform it like having a dedicated room.    
Upgrade Interconnects/Cables or…?
kenneythekey, consider a consultation with a room treatment company-whatever diffusion/damping you can get away with without  ruining  room aesthetic? A little off topic-I believe ive mentioned in the past admiring your Mac MR 71 case. Is that c... 
What is A.R.T? I have to say this is a little too much for me.
I would hope my $20k+ whatever, doesn't need something as this: Maybe for those Synergistic Research fans?  
What is A.R.T? I have to say this is a little too much for me. You may be enjoying your setup but, EMI is ruining your listening experience. And you didn’t even know it. Either the stuff works or another reason your non audio friends goof on you.  
Mofi Sourcepoint 888?
"he calls them the working man’s TAD loudspeaker" audioman58- Haven't heard them yet, but I'd probably agree having heard other AJ creations-Sourcepoint 10's/Elac Adante. Years ago I attended an audio club meeting at Pioneer HQ. AJ demoed his T... 
Will VPI's Classic 3 sound much better with a SUT?
Vinylfun-As lewm has pointed out, based on  specs-60db/.3mv into your integrated may be on the low side for maximum performance. The lowest I have used with the Foz was .4mv-into an integrated(no additional gain)just how much dynamic  performance... 
Will VPI's Classic 3 sound much better with a SUT?
Your Fosgate has 60db of gain. Enough  for most of the popular MC carts. Former owner of  one for 12 years- great phonostage. Get a different  cart for a different  "sound" Also a longtime VPI Classic user If you're  seeking  dramatic improvemen... 
Thinking About Selling and Replacing My Pop/Rock Vinyl Collection
Arguably, it means your LP reproduction setup isn't firing on all cylinders. That requires some degree of obsession, devotion and wallet draining.    
Sviatoslav Richter. Greatest pianist of the last century?
"Greatest" anything of anytime.....sigh. Yawn.  
Elvis Costello's favorite album of his own.
I'll have to put this one on my "bin buy" list The debut and 2nd  album-My Aim is True/"This Year's Model" had my attention.  SO MUCH new alt music during that period. Also saw Elvis at Hollywood High in 1978.  A few years ago I found a copy "A... 
Find the Problem
A dirty stylus can ruin a normally enjoyable LP experience.       
Phono Preamp Tube Rush
Prediction-Tube rush in phonostage will still be here in 2044.