

Responses from coralkong

The Insane World of High End Audio! Is it All a Scam?
I got tired of his schtick a while ago. IMO, he is simply ignorant to a lot of higher end audio. He has no reference point. If he wants to tout a $129 Class D Chinese mini-amp (or whatever he's reviewing that day), fine. He reviewed the Emotiva C... 
Fine tuning the system. Where do you start and how do you proceed ?
Assuming that you already have your "reference" copy of a recording, my next step would be interconnects and/or speaker cables. In a perfect world, you'd have a few sets to try/listen to/compare.  And, for the record, it's not always the most ex... 
My Esoteric DV-50S died. Where do I go next?
Ahhh....the DV50. I remember it fondly. Not very reliable, though. Jm2cw. Esoteric is tough to beat on sound quality.   
The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines.
As good an analogy as any, I guess. I wrote off ASR long ago.....  
CD Player Distortion?
Out of curiosity, when you were "re-arranging" stuff, did you change out the power cord, or plug the Marantz 8004 into a different circuit or outlet?    
Movie/film suggestions.
Smell My Bukakke.  
Switching out tweeters
At the very least, you need to know the specs on the current (old) tweeters. You may be able to look it up if it has a model # on the back of it. Barring that, replacing a tweeter with one not specifically designed for the speaker crossover/enclo... 
Things we cannot be bothered by anymore
Cable/fuse arguements. I don't care. Buy them/try them/keep them/return them. Don't care. Do whatever you want.  
Takatsuki 300B $255 !!
LOL. Come on, man....  
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore?
I do, but very occasionally. Mostly NPR for classical, or just to pick up the local weather/snowstorm info. I don’t do any real serious listening from it. I have a tuner and an extra input on the preamp....might as well use it.  
@calvinj , Thanks. It's got a million options on it and it takes a while to "dial it in" like you want it, but there's very little you can't do with it. I'm a fan of Classe's stuff, though it's getting a little long  in the tooth at this point. I... 
what is more popular silver or black face plates
I don't really care, I guess......never really thought about it too much.  
What does your Virtual System page say about you? 
I think I have speaker wires listed first, lol. What does it mean? No idea.....maybe I'm just disorganized.   
BS meter is pegged!
I had no idea there were so many customers for a $18k streamer solution.  Obviously, my bad.   Let's not contact the manufacturer with any questions, let's big IT dick battle over stripped down OS's and argue amongst ourselves.  This place kin... 
BS meter is pegged!
Here's an idea....why not contact the company and ask them to explain it to you?