

Responses from coralkong

Basically happy, but…
It will sound different, but not sure if it will sound "better". As @zlone stated, you're going to have to try it to find out. Generally speaking, a full loom of cables tends to have more synergy than mixing/matching.    
Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system?
Honestly, I think the silver interconnects, while adding to the snap and pop of your system, is where your issue lies. Adding a fuse is just an attempt to mask an underlying issue, and not how I would recommend going about it.      
Do your ears deceive you?
"I don't understand how it works, therefore it cannot exist." -Every cable naysayer.    
Do your ears deceive you?
Love me some Ted Denney. SR has some great product offerings.  
Interconnects priority
I'd say preamp to amp, simply because EVERYTHING travels through this line. Get this one wrong, and it'll foul up the entire chain. They're all important to the end sound, though.  
Blue Jean cable problem
If you DO use pliers, use them VERY gently. Super easy to bend it completely out of shape and it will never go back on correctly. Ask me how I know this.....lol.    
Do your ears deceive you?
@kevn, Not a bad explanation but it’s a lot simpler than that. If your system is of sufficient quality, one can absolutely hear a difference in cables. It’s easily demonstrable. My issue isn’t whether or not someone can hear a difference, my i... 
Do your ears deceive you?
"Maybe you could define of what a sufficient system is made." One where you can hear the differences between cables.  
Do your ears deceive you?
Not this $hit again....give it a rest already. No. My ears do not deceive me. Just because you can't afford it, doesn't mean I can't hear it. Grow up.  
1990 Radio Shack catalog
Most of Radio Shack's audio equipment was rebranded stereo stuff from other manufacturers (some you'd probably be surprised at). Honestly, it was stuff they could get on surplus and charge a large markup on (on a lot of it, they simply changed the... 
Do you belong more to souce first or to speakers first school of thought ?
OK< I'll bite. Speakers first...but it all matters.  
The Horror
@erik_squires , me too. Make the most of what you have and can afford, and be happy! Enjoy.  
The Horror
@erik_squires , lol. You're probably not far off.... I'm sure we'd all have Dartzeel or Dan A'gostino amps if we could afford them. But alas.....I'll have to be content with my British convertible sports car and my modest Canadian amp/preamp. ... 
The Horror
Disillusionment can be costly. And once you know, you know. Everything in audio is a trade-off. Everything. Quality costs money. Usually LOTS of money.  Discipline is knowing your equipment is the best you can do, and being happy with that. IO... 
Need recommendations on 15ft speaker cables
I like SR's offerings.  I agree that you probably want to stick with copper as silver will probably sound a little harsh with your speakers. Check out usedcable.com and see what they have in stock....they usually have a pretty good selection of ...