Responses from nonamesleft4me
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume? between 90 and 95 decibels. I like it to have the same frequency balance as live music, which only happens when you crank it. | |
Why did you purchase the equipment you have and what do you like most about it? magnapans in 1982 after I heard their top of the line tympani III playing. still have 'em. much later, some thiel cs.5 speakers, as they were the only models thiel made that didn't require a monster amp to properly drive. they image like nothing ... | |
Bose 901 Review Well Done. last time I heard them was in 1985 at a club in San Antonio. I remember they were playing The Honeydrippers album, it sounded mellow with a tizzy edge, the imaging was amorphous, the bass extension decent, but the overall sound was intriguing at t... | |
Bacch Dsp, True stereo? I would like somebody to tell me how the BACCH system compares to the various other crosstalk modifying/cancelling systems that have come and gone over the decades [such as Hughes SRS, Carver Sonic Hologram, Polk SDS et al] | |
HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH TO SPEND ON A SYSTEM? IF YOU GET THE SOUND DOES IT MATTER? if I were a Lotto winner, I'd be much more willing and able to spend crazy money to get a system that, in my listening room, would reliably transport my hearing mechanism to the venue in which the recording took place, meaning that there would be... | |
At the top of the line is it really all that different? seems the high end is mostly about being able to fully hear the charms of equally high end recordings of the utmost purity and quality, whose charms would not be noticed on mid-fi equipment. I experienced that in 1982 at a definitive hifi store i... | |
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore? I listen to "coast to coast" on KIRO-FM 97.3. often i’ll listen to the local NPR station, KUOW-FM-94.9 even though a gnat’s beating wings has greater signal strength. all the best stations ’cept for KIRO are very weak out here in the hinterlands. ... | |
Karen Carpeneter died 42 years ago. she had sad eyes. her voice had a transient sadness in it as well. I hope she experienced happiness. | |
Things we cannot be bothered by anymore surface noise, tape hiss, AC mains hum. | |
Whats playing on your system today? Oxygene by Jean Michel Jarre, a natural for surround sound. | |
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles if i was a millionaire i think i'd buy them. | |
What Speaker Cables Taught Me About Audiophiles much modern hifi IMHO is too treble-rich as it is for my taste. i'd gladly accept better imaging in exchange for a bit less brightness in the treble range. | |
The # 1 Christmas Album "a Christmas gift for you" by Phil Spector and company. the stereo version has great atmosphere. | |
??? What Is The MOST Expensive System You Ever Heard ??? What Was Your Opinion ??? early 1983, at definitive audio in seattle- a pair of magnaplanar tympani IVs [mebbe they were threes, it was a long time ago] powered by some dorm-room-fridge-sized monoblock class A amps, a linear-tracking turntable with a granite base. don't re... | |
Please explain mono I spend a lot of time using DES techniques to make my restored monos sound more pleasing to my ears. I like listening to music in surround and with mono that is not possible. I never cared for the pinpoint of sound coming from a single source, I k... |