
Responses from aewarren

What is your top sexy song?
Love To Love You, Baby - Donna Summer Pillow Talk - Sylvia  
What is your top sexy song?
How about The Fruit Song (Don't Touch Me Plums) sung by Goldie Hawn in the movie The Duchess And The Dirt Water Fox? Or Melanie’s Brand New Key? Or Bessie Smith’s Need A Little Sugar In My Bowl?  
The Great DAC Mystery
Late last night was one of those special times that all audiophiles know what I'm talking about. Whether it was low usage on the power grid, atmospheric pressure or special alignment of the stars, the music was just flowing and every audio aspect ... 
Sub making electrical noises when connected to a Power conditioner
You solved your problem by plugging your sub directly into the wall and bypassing the conditioner. My guess is that your amp(s) is/are plugged into the conditioner as well. Most listeners are against running their amps through the conditioner. I w... 
Hi anyone near Cliffwood , NJ 07721 ? need favor !
Sound like you need to take a road trip and go pick them up. Maybe fly in, rent a truck and drive back. Either that or trust a shipper. Good luck!  
WILLSENTON R35i Integrated Amp : A Standby question
^^^ This, or simply turn the remote control face (window side) down until you need to use it.  
???YOUR Personal Favorite???Why???
MBL 126 are pricey at just under your budget of $15K but the price includes the stands and they're an omni.  
Magico speakers too clinical and fatiguing?
You should buy what I have, they're great!  
Preamp upgrade
What you should be concentrating on is finding a preamp that will work best within the system you have. It has to play well with your existing amp, speakers and sources. In other words, saying that one preamp is better than another has no real bea... 
Speaker Suggestions for Next Move
From your system photos it looks like your speakers are very close to the wall with your equipment rack placed between them. These factors alone could be contributing to the lack of depth you described. I have never owned Klipsch speakers, so I ha... 
Audio Fantasies
When I read an interesting post I often try to imagine what kind of system the poster has and listens to, especially when they list their favorite music or advocate for an array of subs. Some posters add pictures of their systems to their profiles... 
When I listen to my system.......
I subscribe to a couple of audio publications and assume that most people here do as well. When I get the magazines the very first thing I read are the music reviews even though I am anxious to rip into one of the mega buck component articles that... 
Wanna take it to the next level? Buy MORE speakers!
@deep_333  To me the phrase "awful multichannel setup" is redundant. Yes, I suppose a music surround system can be initially impressive, especially to the novice listener, but does anyone really want to be subjected to musical inaccuracy in the lo... 
Wanna take it to the next level? Buy MORE speakers!
If you've ever heard music played through a surround sound system and think that it sounds realistic or even pleasant, then by all means go ahead and add more speakers to your system. As for me, I will continue to enjoy the stereo imaging my two s... 
Upgrade speakers or DAC
It's actually a toss-up. Upgrading your speakers will make the biggest difference in the sound of your system but you will not hear what they are capable of until you upgrade your source components. Conversely, upgrading your sources will make sig...