

Discussions bdp24 has started

Danny Richie of GR Research describes and explains how he designs loudspeakers.3674
Do you agree with John Atkinson (and me)?358767
Walk On By - The Story Of Popular Song (BBC Documentary 17/23)1552
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard?6933205
A great singer you may have never heard, or even heard of.155933
Congratulations to Gillian Welch and David Rawlings!50320
VMP (Vinyl Me Please) new.2054
Movie/film suggestions.9277278
Here's a really, really great video on Richard Manuel (and oh yeah, The Band).53918
Buddy Miller on songwriting (and other musical topics).2837
Woodstock 1969, or 1967?139937
Black Friday Record Store Day 2024.3625
Various artists share their Bob Dylan anecdotes with Otis Gibbs.2671
If you haven't yet discovered Rosie Flores.....76618
Holy cow: Ringo produced by T Bone Burnett!62015