Solid State Power Amps

I’m currently using 2 PrimaLuna EVO 400 power amps. I want to try my EVO 400 preamp with solid state power amps. I am considering the BHK 300, MC830, Accuphase 250 or 300 and the Pass X260.8. My budget is around 25k. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. If there is something else please recommend it. 


New Zealand based Plinius SA 102 amp makes my Canton Ref 3K speakers really sing.    Class A and A/B switchable output at 140WPC 8 Ohms

Perfect match for these speakers. 

2×220W rms 8 Ohm, 2x 400W i 4 Ohm, all power is continuous rms  measured at 0.01% thd+N.

@gryphongryph This won't matter if distortion rises with frequency. It will cause harmonics in the region above the turnover frequency to be audible as harshness and brightness.

Put another way, THD is not going to be all that important if distortion does not rise with frequency. FWIW, 99% of all solid state amps ever made have a problem with this.



2×220W rms 8 Ohm, 2x 400W i 4 Ohm, all power is continuous rms  measured at 0.01% thd+N.

Are made to last a long time.

The new AGD Solo LE amps! Their amps can be upgraded as the technology improves.

Looking at the impedance curve that @hilde45 posted tells us you need an amp that can handle impedances that dip below 3 ohms. So, make sure any amp you look at produces enough CURRENT to handle that load. Don't worry too much about watts since the Focal is fairly sensitive and will play loudly with minimal watts. 

I have the PS audio BHK 250 and a Pass Labs X 250.5 the biggest thing for me is the SERVICE AFTER the sale both of these companies STAND behind what they sell period. I have communicated with Paul and his son Scott on many occasions as well as most of their staff they are always very professional they truly care about your experience. In general, I think Accuphase is overpriced in the US market.



Don't guess. Join the Orchard Audio StarKrimson Ultra Stereo V2 tour. Hear it in your system for the price of shipping and a small review. Check their website to participate. It knocked my tube and class A amps out of the system.




++1 for CODA amplifiers. I own the S5.5 (50wpc Class A, 100 amp current), and it's a brilliant amplifier......the best solid state amplifier I've ever owned. I realize that 50wpc may not be enough for your wishes, so you could consider the new CODA System 150. It's a 2 box design, 100wpc class A or 150wpc A/B, north of 100 amps current. It's CDOA's "cost no object" system, and retails for $27,000 for both boxes.

Doug Dale (CODA owner) feels it's the best amp they've ever designed, and it should be for sale by August. I am not sure where you live, but Destination Hi-Fi in L.A. should have demo units in the next month.....then some other dealers like Audio Archon in Chicago following that.

A lot of great choices being recommended.  I own Boulder and would recommend the 1160 amp or a used 2060.  

Well, I wish I had your budget (LOL) but seriously, the new Luxman (M10x?) would come to mind but the there are some other intriguing amps that have just come out:BAT Rex 300 and the Parasound JCM 250.  These 3 are on my short list.

This speakers does dip to a 3.1 ohm load. Perhaps keep that in mind when deciding. 

I rarely see folks in the US mention YBA gear, but years ago I sold it an audio shop and always felt very confident recommending it, especially with Focal speakers. We sold quite a few setups with that combination. It has a lively, sweet tube-like sound.

I have these speakers and have used McIntosh MC611, Naim NAP 300, and Chord Ultima 6. The Ultima 6 was far superior. McIntosh too bloated in the bass, Naim was good, but the Chord was mind blowing. 


I did not mean to insult, I just wanted to say that with the 300’s, you a SS amp who’s sound you can tweek by rolling the input.

Here’s my $0.02…

I would listen to Audio Research (like the 160S) and Moon by Simaudio 861 in addition to your list. 

I’ve own McIntosh and loved it and when it was time to upgrade was impressed with Audio Research for its transparency and drive and went with Moon because I preferred the sound to McIntosh and SS to tube. Enjoy the process!

Bricasti Design.  They are the most accurately musical amps I have ever heard, and I have listened to others at 10x the price. 

Do not let the power specs fool you as they are extremely underrated.  (After a discussion with owner Mr. Zolner he mentioned that at full published power output, the amps are only outputting 25% of their possible output which explains their extremely low distortion figures.)  I have never heard (with the exception of Boulder) a more effortless presentation.  They would make any hard to drive speaker sing!

I have a Cary Audio SLP-05 preamp with Sonus Faber Serafino speakers. I had a pair of Primaluna Dialogue 7 tube amps. Changed to Musical Fidelity M8-700M mono blocks. Can't imagine anything sounding better. The Musical Fidelity amps are fully balanced, differential reference, 700wpc into 8 ohms, 1300 into 4 ohms. System sounds incredible.

I love my BHK 300s.. Fast , accurate and just breathe so much life into the music. Be aware they are not entirely solid state as they have a tube section. PS support is top notch

Best SS amps I heard, used and would recommend:

1) FM Acoustics

2) Harmon Kardon XX

3) HK Citation 16 modified

4) Spectrum (Spectral) what ever the spelling is - modified

Happy Listening.

There is a massive amount that can be achieved with $25k, limiting it as a spend on an Amp' only, is parting with a substantial amount of 'Mark Up' for somebody.

One will get many short lived friendships fast making such intentions known publicly. 

$5K will discover an exceptional Amp' , the task will require footwork.

Footwork can introduce one to individuals who become friends that develop into ling time sharing of an interest,

I suggest trying to learn if a Neurochome Power Amp' can be used for a demonstration, the most bespoke built, will still leave $22K in the coffers.

FTR, I have heard Neurochrome in A/B Comparison to $50K Soulution Amplification, using a System inclusive of the Soulution Amplification that has a value of approx' £200K. No real winner between the Two Amp's was to be  easily identified, if it were a contest.  

Soulution as an Amplification can easily be added to your shortlist if in there were models produced to suit your price range. 

The availability of Chinese copies of some of the great European amplifier designs like Dartzeel NHB108 and FM Acoustics 300A has made spending that sort of money on an amplifier redundant.Class D was supposed to do the same but from what I have heard it falls well short.You are better off buying a Chinese clone/copy and spending the other $23,000 on room treatment and speakers.Plus I suspect the copies will sound better than most of those $25,000 amplifiers.$40,000 might get you something better- [the real thing].

If you must do it at least buy something with premium build quality and service support like Accuphase.


+1 for Paass (especially 260.8) having owned them and are still mated with a ARC 5se. It has allowed me to get off the upgrade  cycle as they are about as good a pair as I would possibly want. Left Levinson and never looked back....

I do not think you will have any regrets with them

I will echo the suggestion for Bryston amps.  They come with a 20 year transferable warranty.  They are built to last.  Of course they perform well.  But at this price point,  you want something you can depend upon.

A close friend used to be the McIntosh repair tech at the House of Music in San Francisco.  He saw plenty of broken Mac gear and knew it wasn't worth the money people were spending.  They made their rep with the old classic tube gear and have been living off of that for the last 50 years.  They don't have a 20 year warranty...  Go with Bryston.

I would add D'Agostino to your list.  Friend of mine has Focal Grand Utopia driven by Dag and sounds wonderful.  

NYAL (New York Audio Labs) Moscode 600 uses a tube input/driver stage connected to a Mosfet output stage. 300wpc. I have the Moscode 150 - 75wpc. Designed by George Kaye. Go to the Stereophile archives to read the review of the Moscode 300.

Hello sgordoxyz!  You have chosen well regarded and well reviewed power amps. My I suggest an less expensive alternative.  Starke Sound makes great amps and low prices. I have 5 of their AD320-4 amps and one of the new replacements, the Fiera4. I drive everything from Linkwitz XL521-4s to Magnapans with them. They sound wonderful. 200 wpc, four channels (perfect for the LX521's. Perfect for electronic crossovers feeding a 2 way stereo pair.) The have a decent return policy. I think you will be impressed. I have no connection with the company; I am interested in "the most bang for the buck."  I don't build my onm amps any more. I have two stereo Purii Audio amps, and I prefer the Starkes. You don't need to spend a fortune to have good sound. Enjoy the Music!


+1 Pass X260.8 monos

This is the best amp I have ever owned.  I have electrostatic speakers that are difficult to power correctly and the 260.8 makes them sing.  

I’ve used McIntosh MC 611 600 W mono amps. I think a pair goes for 15,000.

In the solid state world these amplifiers perform extremely well. And amplifier is reliable.

If I was planning to spend more money I would definitely pursue a tube amplifier and I’m now using one but the 611 is very good

I would look at a VAC tube amplifier and maybe one from Conrad Johnson. I would definitely consider upgrading your pre-amplifier as I read up above. Spending $25,000 for an amplifier is pretty serious and it’s deserving of a higher level preamplifier

Have you considered buying a puppy?

@sgordoxyz Is there a reason you want to spend that kind of money? Just because you did does not mean the amps you get would actually sound better. There is something called the Veblen Effect, in which people will spend more under the illusion they are obtaining greater value, which obviously isn't the case.

High end audio is not drive by price, its driven by intention- how much (or how little) the designer wishes to present state of the art.

For example there are class D amps that are less expensive than the amps on your list that sound a lot more like music. So I would consider casting a wider net.

Benchmark AHB2. They will shock you. Read the reviews and check it out! Good luck. Joe

My current combo is a JJ 243 tube preamp with 2 XA60 Pass Labs mono block amps. I love the sound they produce. 


I realize the BHK’s are hybrid. I think the tube input is a positive. The SS part I am wanting to experiment with is the output stage. The currant should be much better with solid state. 

If you are planning biamping with PrimaLuna, also consider Hegel 600. It has amazing base control it can improve base tremendously. Also former version Hegel 590 is about 6K for used. I use them for my Sasha DAW, and I love that amp. 


I just recently bought a used pair of the BHK300’s and so far I’m happy with them.  They are not SS, but hybrid.  They use a couple of 6dj8 tubes on the input sections and I must say, I’ve been having fun tube rolling!  Currently I’m using 7308’s and I’m probably going to stay with them. Super clean sound without any harshness.

All the best.


I would recommend the solid state Bryston 14b3 with your tubed Primaluna 400 preamp. The Bryston is very uncolored and neutral, just producing the music quality it is served, nothing more and nothing less. Very powerful with unlimited power at 600w at 8ohms. It can deal with any speaker. 13 grand.

Amp vs Preamp.....Right now my Borresen X-3's are singing. $10,000Tube preamp going into...wait for this....the New NP1 Power amp ( 55 watts into 8 ohm) Van Alstine amp. ( first run is sold out)....What a musical magic amp this is for $1,199.....always spend More on the Preamp than you do on the Amp and Tube the pre with SS on the Amp. Nirvana.

There are many excellent suggestions so far.  If you are casting a wide net;

I just updated my preamp (to Audio Research) and as it burns-in my biggest impression is that my Ayre Amp (V5-xe w upgraded capacitors: 300 W) sounds great - voicing is as-good-as/better than many more expensive SS amps that I have heard in shows and at showrooms: I do NOT feel the need to upgrade my amp to make the ARC preamp sing.

This morning AG has only one Ayre Amp, the higher-line V-1x, for sale (at The Audio Room, below $5k). Refreshed w new Caps, you may find you saved $20K.  

I have no affiliation w Ayre or The Audio Room.

I go to many audio gatherings per year ,the New Luxman power amp retails for around $20k is exceptional . Call Anthony at Perrotta Consultants 

he is good to work with and fair  pricing , ,he also Carry  Accuphase 

Another very good one is Krell New KSA line which too is exceptional and made in CT U.S.A ,  He has their line also as well as Bricasti which he may have a demo model. Do some research. .

SMC audio. 
steve McCormack is some of the finest hand made gear out there 

call him. 


Pass is top class

mcintosh top hear



You might consider Krell.   Their 300 XD or the 175 XD should pair well and work wonderfully with your Sopras.   I am a big fan of the Krell sound, which I describe as powerful/tightly controlled bass, slightly warm musical mids, and articulate highs all well blended.   YMMV.

Good luck.

I've been all tube since the early '70s, but recently started exploring very low wattage, high quality SS for my Avantgarde Duos as an alternative to my Lamm ML2 SETs. Valvet is apparently a high quality, grainless, Class A amp and though the model I focused on was a mere 10 watts- they make bigger amps. Made in Germany, not well promoted in the States, but worth looking into. The US distributor is apparently someone who will work with you. I don't plan to replace the Lamms, but want an alternative for summer, and to avoid chewing through tubes when I want to listen to the main system. 

Ok, here’s an opinion — pairing a $25k amp with a $5k preamp is stupid.  Hope that helps. 

I resemble that remark. I usually recommend my $2.5k preamp with any amp. My amp is $16.3k MSRP. I have had more expensive preamps before, and they did not sound as good.

If I had bought the KEF Blade 2 Meta speaker, I would have used the $2.5k preamp with a $36k amp.

Sometimes a stupid is the correct move. A bit of Forrest Gump there.