

Discussions ozzy has started

Stack Audio-SmoothLAN Network Filter- WOW!12899178
Stack Audio Auva Isolator497683
Planar Speakers and Diffusors371660
Cable Break In for the Naysayers14003189
MICHI 8 Amp(s)329535
Aardvark Ethernet noise isolator239032
Any (new) Tube Testers that can be recommended?431214
Tube Testers? Are There Any New Ones To Consider?9648
Telos Mini Quantum Resonator (MQR) & Puron Filter together537561
What does Nominal Impedance mean?786659
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?516064
Analysis Audio Epsilon11782
Does a Lumin App for Windows 11 exist..?270018
Lumin X1 and Upgraded DC umbilical cord for power supply.410733
Robbie Bachman BTO drummer dead at 699615