Responses from emergingsoul
Amplifier gain settings - what do they do? I tend to believe most don't understand the distinction between gain, level adjustment, and volume control. I have a pair of MC 901 McIntosh mono amplifiers and to read what it does is very confusing for my tiny brain. I've always believe a true... | |
Best Used Tube Based Preamp $2k Or Under? vtl nice but the company treats dealers very poorly. Lousy customer service. | |
Best Used Tube Based Preamp $2k Or Under? get schiit preamp new. So much better opportunity in my view. | |
I find myself "tuning out" anymore.....is the magic fading? There’s a great album by Timothy Leary titled - turn on, tune in, drop out. It's carried by qobuz. Maybe this would be helpful. | |
Subs? I like it when I can feel the tanks approaching on a battlefield. Main speakers can't do this very well. Make sure you secure all the picture frames on the walls. I love the 804s. And all other the stuff you have too. The sub or subs will be... | |
Does a good power conditioner reduce need for power supply upgrade? @knownothing A great question about power supply. you have an interesting system with a very strong emphasis on Power supply all kinds of stuff you’ve got. Comfortable room. I had a blue sound streaming Device and upgrading that made a lot of ... | |
Favorite Album Cover (picture or art on the cover) @mitch2 The ease in which you express details related to your favorite album covers and how you describe your system, which is awfully impressive is admirable. | |
Got Innuous, now a DAC chord Worth looking at. I had a blue sound node and it was nice but the quality was not that great. I'm sure that was a dramatic change. Choosing the right dac Will be very important to making older music sound good. I used a lumen x1 streamer/d... | |
speaker upgrade fever Interesting thread with lots of insight. One comment had to do with all the equipment affecting how speakers sound which is deserving a lot of attention as well. Disappointing when the dealers don’t have a wide variety of products to choose from.... | |
TAD Speakers How did they compared to b&w 800 series speakers? | |
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues. The speakers seem to be too much of a nightmare to deal with. Is Wilson in decline? | |
AB testing of power regenerators?? Ever do it? @carlsbad2 Good information about this thing called an oscilloscope. So I guess it gets down to if you're amplifier doesn't do a good job with the incoming power then one of these things makes sense. Of course I wonder how how much the sine wa... | |
AB testing of power regenerators?? Ever do it? I would like to think that regenerator improves a system but in all fairness most people have electricity sources that do not require it. And therefore it appears to be in most cases a gimmick. Don’t see Power regenerators at audio shows very oft... | |
AB testing of power regenerators?? Ever do it? @carlsbad2 how are you measuring distortion of your electricity?? | |
got my PayPal 1099 /// what now? Does bitcoin send out 1099? |