
Responses from emergingsoul

New split AC System impact on sound.
the bosch heat pump can be set to become a 2 ton unit from a 3 ton and from a five to 4 ton via dip switch but I think there's some automatic features that automatically adjust capacity between the Compressor and the air handler. And the air handl... 
New split AC System impact on sound.
@ghdprentice I’ve had a basic one stage AC since 1992, tempstar, and I’ve had no maintenance except to change out a few fuses which I did myself, no annual visits for fear freon would gradually be released. Capacitors never been changed out. Onl... 
New split AC System impact on sound.
@ghdprentice Actually I’m looking at a bosch heat pump three tons. Concern I have is the complexity of future maintenance and ability to eliminate humidity when it’s on lower speeds. Although a lot depends upon the installation which can make or... 
Some people actively participate but rarely if ever start a thread.
Because a lot of people respond with great knowledge and they don't have any interest in seeking knowledge from others so they never create threads.  
Has it all been worth it?
Because most people have nothing better to do with their time. Maybe Learning how to be a better cook might be a more worthwhile and cheaper thing to do and just a satisfying clearly. It's all about improving the quality of what you're listening... 
I am sad
Let's play guess the amplifier.  Is it bigger than a bread box? Is it a namebrand most people know? Does it have a meter on the front? Is it pretty to look at?    
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album?
Chuck Mangione, Jazz flugelhorn player, main squeeze, Don Ellis, Live at Fillmore, Jazz trumpet player with big band. Phenomenal arranger. did Soundtrack for French connection, Hackman was in this one as you probably know    
External blu-ray disc player/writer - can I burn a blu-ray disc?
@mahler123 I haven’t bought an external blu-ray disc drive for my Windows computer to try. Since I’ve got a few other discs similar to this one I’m exploring backing them up via burning onto another disk. Have you had any experience doing this?... 
Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ?
Do you really hear much of a sound difference between a $2000 turntable and a $50,000 turntable. I really don't understand turntables.  
Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype)
50% off of new gear within a couple years speaks to how overpriced this stuff is. $50,000 set of speakers going for $25,000 is ridiculous after two years. Manufactures creating very nice gear need to find a better way to sell gear to end consumer... 
External blu-ray disc player/writer - can I burn a blu-ray disc?
@mahler123 It’s one disc that has played before many times and couldn’t play again. My fear is that others might do the same thing at some point so maybe I should at least back them up. But the one that doesn’t play might I have better luck wit... 
Bacch Dsp, True stereo?
@wordalive  Sounds encouraging. Any chance you could post the details of your system and explain it sort of what's going on?    
Should I use Impedance 4 or 8?
Maybe this answers it but I'm still very confused about four versus eight ohms. @viridian  does a great job in his second paragraph and the second paragraph has a lot of information in it.  Maybe some further clarification on this important parag... 
Bacch Dsp, True stereo?
@nonamesleft4me  My number one  problem with System, so damn complicated to operate.   A good question you have raised  
Used tube preamps, Cary, AR, Aesthetix, Wells...........or?
Don't Capacitors deteriorate over time and negatively impact sound quality? So buying used sometimes may not be a great idea