Responses from samzx12
Dumb question......why do you need a preamp? @goofyfoot curious your past preamps? | |
Dumb question......why do you need a preamp? Mulviling and ghdprentice hit the nail on the head. A good preamp is so important. I don't mind a little coloration but a nice preamp adds body and texture. I've tried a couple times without a pre and the music was analytical and boring. I don't c... | |
Solid State Power Amps I would add D'Agostino to your list. Friend of mine has Focal Grand Utopia driven by Dag and sounds wonderful. | |
Audio Research versus McIntosh tube amps: anyone experience or compare both? @ghdprentice hit the nail on the head. Currently I'm using a REF75SE and absolutely love it. ARC just gets everything right top to bottom. Preamp is Ref6. | |
Audio Research Pre-Amp advice I had a LS28 for about a year. Fantastic preamp. Upgraded to a Ref6. Substantial improvement. At your budget I would go for the LS28SE or Ref5SE. The Refs are just better and for a reason. | |
Should we care if a piece of equipment comes from a pet-free, kid-free, smoke-free home? Dr. owned is even better 🤣 | |
Comparing Chord Qutest Dac with the Built in Dac in Lumin T3 Streamer Of course Audiotroy sells both 🙄 😂. | |
Qualities Of An End-game System End game is when you no longer feel the need to upgrade. | |
Lumin U1/U2 versus T3 Thank you Christian. Very good to know. | |
Lumin U1/U2 versus T3 Have a U1 on the way. Couldn't pass up the opportunity at the price they were asking so pulled the trigger. Looks like USB more than likely will be in the future. Thanks for the information Audphile1 | |
Lumin U1/U2 versus T3 Did you consider the Airlens? | |
Lumin U1/U2 versus T3 @audphile1 USB is input for external hard drive. Digital output is spdif. | |
Lumin U1/U2 versus T3 Can't use USB due to T3 can only use spdif out. | |
Lumin U1/U2 versus T3 I meant to add is the U1 still relevant or recommended as I know it's a bit older. | |
Brand New Vinyl Static and Pops audio_is_subjective64 what do your 1st 2 answers have to do with the posters question? |