Responses from jasonbourne71
Ever heard Rockpile? Of course I listened to Dave Edmunds’ Rockpile in the late 70’s! At that time I also had Nick Lowe’s Pure Pop For Now People LP on CBS - a real gem! I went down to Greenwich Village to Bleeker Bob’s in the hopes of finding a UK pressing of Jesus ... | |
A life sentence!!! @bdp24 : My choice of the Quad ESL makes two mentions! I have two pairs. I suppose as an alternative choice I can add my Rogers LS3/5A's. They certainly take up less space! | |
Analog output from CD player distorted Return it to the dealer for repair. | |
Speakers sound too bright. @knighttodd +1! Good idea of yours to put some fabric in front of the tweeters. The OP can then experiment with adding layers until he is pleased with the sound. | |
Need to learn about Audio Research I have an SP6 preamp and a D75 amp. That combination will work and sound excellent with Magneplanars. IMO it will have more of the tube "goodness" than later Audio Research gear. | |
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade Buy a Linn CD12 and no need for a fettler! | |
Rumble - turntable or background noise DG LP Evidence points to surface noise from the LP pressing. I did not notice that problem on old DG and Philips pressings. | |
Loudspeaker designer/manufacturer John DeVore shows reviewer Ken Micallef his system. I doubt the RM-10 can do 35wpc from a pair of 6BQ5’s. More like 15 wpc. | |
Rumble - turntable or background noise DG LP You can try a phono stage with a subsonic filter if your present one lacks it. | |
How many times can u visit a hifi store before it annoys the store if u plan on a purchase @curiousjim : "...and I just chuckled." | |
How many times can u visit a hifi store before it annoys the store if u plan on a purchase I remember back in 1977 going to Lyric HIFi in Manhattan to buy a Dynavector 20B cartridge. Mike Kaye owned the store then. After sizing me up as someone not likely to spend thousands he made me wait in the vestibule while he went to fetch the car... | |
Which end is which? Unless the Laws of Physics have changed you can bet the life of your firstborn that you will hear no difference. | |
Fluance RT85N Reference Turntable - budget, or not ? When I wanted to add a new turntable to my collection of a dozen I bought the Pioneer PLX1000 for $699. Excellent quality equal to the twice-as-expensive Technics 1200 - which I already have. I mounted a Denon 103R on it. So that is my recommendat... | |
George Kaye George Kaye was the founder and designer of New York Audio Labs (NYAL). I have one of his hybrid tube/transistor amps: the Moscode 150 (75 wpc). 6CG7 front end, Mosfet outputs. NYAL also made some OTL tube amps based on Julius Futterman's H3aa cir... | |
What are your go to LP's for evaluating new gear or new tubes? Weather Report's I Sing the Body Electric. |