
Discussions samzx12 has started

Shunyata NR & XC 2373
Lumin U1/U2 versus T3 213714
Manley Chinook SE MK2654567
Audio Research Owners Worried?490033
LS28 upgrade to LS28SE17276
Rogue Audio and Audio Research Comparisons 656430
Rogue Audio Dark Upgrade.288916
Help with McIntosh Repair Facility 702852
Qobuz stops playing via Roon. 233318
Mcintosh MC402 versus MC45219872
What Amp with Sonus Faber Olympica 3?752422
Upgrading from Thiel 2.7 to Sonus Faber or Focal???858255
Phono Cable Recommendations312011
VPI Classic Setup By Brian Walsh 444147
Audio Research LS/Ref or Primaluna EVO Preamp689714