
Responses from ronboco

Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
@deadhead1000  I highly recommend you put Rockport speakers on your list. The Cygnus is below your price limit. Rockport speakers are universally praised and sound spectacular ! Good luck in your search    
Dac with build-up streamer
@kennymacc  Thanks for your reply. I was actually wondering if Ayre has their own UI that comes with the QX-5 twenty. I haven’t looked on their website yet.    Regards  Ron   
Dac with build-up streamer
@kennymacc  What UI are you using with your Ayre?   
Shameless Poll: Pearl vs Ohm vs Zu
Thoughts on Speakers for a Small Audio/Video Room
@captouch   Your welcome. Your room can definitely sound awesome !   
Thoughts on Speakers for a Small Audio/Video Room
@captouch  I understand your thinking but if you tell Jeff what type of sound you are looking for and send him some pics of the room he will let you know if it possible without charging you anything.I believe this is how he does it. You can ask. ... 
Thoughts on Speakers for a Small Audio/Video Room
@captouch  No one here ever talks about consulting an acoustician. Must be egos thinking they can get a tough space right. I recommend contacting Jeff at hdacoustics and tell him what you are looking for sound wise. You can probably put bigger sp... 
Tweaking Your Speaker Placement
I’d like to see a blind test where one speaker is moved 1/8 inch  (or not) and the person picks which speaker that was moved   
Location of compoments.
How can a rack on the side not mess with first reflections ?   
Mystery with woofers. Help!
This reminds me of the time I was at a friends house. He has small floorstanders and the woofers had ALOT of excursion. My Avior ii speakers don’t have very much excursion but give tremendous bass. I was curious about the difference so I asked Duk... 
Which sounds better 2 way or 3 way speaker design
I’ve noticed that most of the high end speaker makers (Rockport , Wilson , Magico , YG, Evolution Acoustics) all use 3 way or 4 way speakers in their mid to upper end lines. Surely this speaks to the benefits of this type of speaker. It seems that... 
Totem Element Metal Version 2 Loudspeaker
Another vote for Rockport. Amazing speakers ! Good luck!   
There Is Nothing Like the Real Thing - Our State of the Art
They turned a pig into a human? Wicked!   
Is the Rockport Avior II an Endgame Speaker?
@jmeyers  The Avior ii speakers are absolutely an end game speaker ! I run mine with a Boulder 866 and they are incredible sounding ! How often do you see any Rockport speakers for sale ? They are universally praised as one of the best speakers m... 
Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative”
Another vote for the Boulder 866! Superb amp! Get the digital version if you can. Good luck!