

Responses from jnovak

what is more popular silver or black face plates
As said above, in the seventies silver exemplified quality. In the eighties it seemed to me that when it came to uniformity, silver was more difficult to keep uniform. In a rack, mixed silver looked tacky. Black was easier in that regard.  I thin... 
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
If the speakers are big enough, you can stuff the Ex into one of them!  
MissingCDs and records
When I pull out an old LP, it is so much more than just the music. I can remember when and where I bought it. I can remember great times with friends listening to our favorites. The upgrades over the years were so much fun. I brought an advertisem... 
Final Analog Upgrades
Final? and Upgrade? I don't think those two words belong in the same sentence!Good luck though.  
Is it easier to sell mono blocks or stereo amp on the used market?
Amps and speakers in my experience are the hardest two things to resell. I have two of them in my current main system. OP, to your question though; I agree with the previous posters above that stereo amps are generally easier to resell. Because yo... 
Collectibles signed by musicians. What do you have?
Lots of stuff! A photo of myself with Mason Williams, the Classical Gas man himself in his hotel room in Valley Forge. I shared a joint with him as well. I've been on his family and friends list for years. Lots of live shows.   I like Basia. My f... 
In 1995 I had the chance to cable my system with Transparent Reference. It was not a subtle difference! I tried the Super, the Ultra and the Reference all within a weeks time. you could point to the soundstage with the change of each set of cables... 
Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable?
"I spent 90% of my money on wine and women, the other 10% I wasted". Get a turntable and be happy! Joe  
I admired the Dahlquist DQ30i speakers in the early nineties. I bought a mint pair one year ago as the price was too good to ignore. ($800.00) I only have them on my television setup that includes a Sony video receiver. I have had numerous high en... 
There Is Nothing Like the Real Thing - Our State of the Art
I don't try to compare my home system to anything but other home systems. Where home systems excel is in the ability to serve on demand! How many times have you had tickets for any given event only to not feel up to snuff on that date? Try going t... 
Looking for a great cassette deck
okay, I pulled the trigger and bought a Nakamichi 682ZX. I haven't received it yet. I'll make a recording of a tape from my denon deck and then the NAK. I'll share the results when done. I was intrigued by the auto azimuth feature it offered. Than... 
Why Do ~You~ Still Play CDs?
Several reasons I listen to CD's; I have a ton of them. I get very little time to listen so I maximize the time by not "fussing" with LP's. I have an eclectic taste (a kind word!). Most of what I listen to isn't on ANY streaming channels. I'm not ... 
Recommended for Americana Fans: Amanda Ann Platt and the Honeycutters
These are the posts thar bring me to this forum! Thank you so much. I'm enjoying this newfound music. Merry Christmas! Joe  
Ugliest Component of the Year 2024!
I dislike any gear that so departs from what you can fit into your equipment rack. I'm considering a Mola Mola DAC. To me it fits the ugly description  
Speaker cables with good timbre
+1 on the Acoustic Zen Hologram. They don't add or take away anything from the soundstage. I'm also using Acoustic Zen speakers so they make all the more sense.