Responses from inagroove
Will a high quality preamp really make a difference in sound?? Also speaker cable Yes, and Yes +1 Everything Matters! Preamp may matter more than most other items (system dependent). | |
Experiences with Oppo Service? Thanks for the information and insight. Like many, I use my OPPO for watching movies (in a TV only system). Should it break, I will probably look around for a reasonable a different unit... Best | |
Maybe critical listening skills are bad? @ erik_squires Great topic... During the past few years I have reducing my collection, replacing gear, rolling tubes, etc. So I have had the same challenges, thousands of times. To me: A. 'critical listening skills' are just that... critical.... | |
Audio Research LS28/SE, Ref 5/SE … what do you like better? At your stated price range for new (15k-18k) and preference for ARC preamps, have you considered a ARC Reference 6SE? It is the current-model ARC Preamp may be in your price range. The MSRP is currently 22.5K, and I expect you can find one in y... | |
When to change a cartridge? Assuming your cart is properly set-up, you may want to consider a empirical solution.... I have a few orchestral LPs that I know quite well and use them as references - each has LOTS violins at the end of the side, where the circumference is the ... | |
Simple tube-use question Tubes require a little more thought and effort, but IMO they are with it... Thanks again to all... | |
Simple tube-use question Hi All - Thanks for weighing in... Off come the stickers. I will record the data and hopefully be able to remember where... Regards, | |
Is there usually a dramatic difference between $5k and $10k cartridges ? I am also on the hunt for a new, better cartridge, and I expect to pay 2x or 3x more than the cost of my current cart. With that being said, I will only buy a cart that provides significant improvement. @carlsbad2 When you state "It is only 1... | |
Dusting gear and turntable I cover my TT with a piece of silk from a 2nd-hand-store Hawaiian Shirt (about $5). I cut-out the back panel, then my wife quickly hemmed the edges. It is cheap, works as well as the plexiglass cover that my other TT has and is very light. Wa... | |
An IEC with grip +1 @carlsbad2 "change the female out to a female of a good brand" Fix it once, then enjoy your system... I now use Leviton 8380-W 20 Amp, 125 Volt, Decora Plus Duplex Receptacle, Straight Blade, Hospital Grade, Surge with Indicator Light .... | |
12au7 tube? All, Trust is a rare commodity in this hobby. Being new to tube gear, I really appreciate all of the experiences, insight and recommendations. Also, FYI - I contacted the folks at Their business model is 'don't call us ... | |
Balanced vs RCA preamps "it is not a good idea to base your decision on which preamp to buy solely on the basis of balanced outputs. First of all, they do not exist for tube equipment" Perhaps some clarification regarding Balanced Tube Line-Preamps is in order... I am... | |
physiology and psychology of hearing Difficulty understanding speech in noisy environments, Difficulty following multi-step directions, Difficulty reading, spelling, and/or writing, Difficulty remembering and summarizing information, Difficulty knowing where a sound came from, Diffic... | |
Xangsane Cryo OCC vs Sterling Silver XLRs stillbuyingtoys This forum is full of warnings regarding AliExpress offerings. I hope you are not the next victim of an AliExpress scam, bait & switch or simply false ad (the real product looks, but is not constructed as advertised.) Demo... | |
For Tube Folks... @daveyf Thanks for your encouragement regarding the quality of the 6550 power tube. I appreciate hearing of your first-hand experiences. @goofyfoot Thanks for the names of the 'newer tube brands'. I have not heard of them.. I hope they prosp... |