
Responses from overthemoon

Diving into balanced
I personally have decided to go with balanced interconnections are minimal distances.  My system (Moon) is designed for balanced interconnections are this results in a 6db gain for the signal. I have decided to use shortest distance. It saved... 
If A.I. took the place of musicians, would you listen to it?
Humans have figured out how to adopt new technologies since the stone age.   Will AI compose and produce a series of sounds with melody - sure.  Will it be compelling?  Highly doubtful without some human intervention. I believe AI may allow a pe... 
All around headphone amp recommendations
I second the Moon 430HAD.    If you are looking for something portable Chord Mojo2 is impressive for the money.   
Solid State Power Amps
Here’s my $0.02… I would listen to Audio Research (like the 160S) and Moon by Simaudio 861 in addition to your list.    I’ve own McIntosh and loved it and when it was time to upgrade was impressed with Audio Research for its transparency and dri... 
Luxman 509x or Simaudio 600iV2 with mágico A3.
I haven't heard Luxman and Moon with Magico - though I have listened to them through Wilson. I've been impressed with both.  My perception is Luxman has slight warmth compared to Moon.   If I was you, I'd try to get an in home trial because I th... 
Newbie Q about DACs - built in or separate?
@tshark "Go Stars!" Excellent question and I encourage you to run some experiments to given your current gear does have some optionality. If you are currently using your McIntosh's DAC for CDs try the Luxman and find out what differences you hea... 
New expensive power cord for amp and no change in sound?
A few thoughts: Can you return it? Is it the same cord as on your preamp?  Have you swapped cords on the pre-amp and amp as an experiment I don't view it as you threw money away if you are enjoying music and the process.  If you can't return ... 
Wilson Alexia 2
Not knowing your budget, I recommend ARC, Boulder and Moon.   
All in one unit for headphones- help me decide
@meiatflask If you truly want to go a budget route, I'd consider a Poly Mojo2 as your interim step - it's a portable headphone amp and you can get them $500-800 (used/new).  You can connect it to your phone or external streamer (including Chord's ... 
Why were the Shunyata Venom NR V10 / V12 Power Cables Discontinued?
I knew the Delta series was going to be replaced.  I'd check their website.  
All in one unit for headphones- help me decide
I auditioned the Naim - I it was very pleasing and a significant upgrade from my preamp with a headphone jack. I would consider separate headphone amp and Bluesound node over the a unit with amp section and headphone amp.   
first & last system
In addition to the options you have here's some additional choices: 1.  Integrated amp with DAC - Moon ACE, Naim ATOM, Hifi Rose, and NAD with optional Bluesound Steaming/DAC 2.  Speakers - I'm a fan of Sonus faber, so I encourage to listen to t... 
Speakers, speaker cables or I’m getting old…
@sudnh There may be lots of fakes but it wasn't the case. Kimber recommended 12 TCs for my system and they were downright bad - the sound was muddy and harsh.  They weren't a good fit for my system to my ears. Kimber was easy to work, and that's... 
Audio quest Rocket 88 how good are they?
I preferred Rocket 33s to Kimber 12 TC when I was auditioning in my system. I think you will hear a difference and preference will be based on your tastes including your musical selection.  
Should Amps be plugged into a power conditioner?
Should they is a judgement call and I encourage you to test with your ears. I have a Shunyata Delta power conditioner and plug my Moon 860AV2 into it.  I like the sound and I also appreciate the protection.  (I also have a whole house surge prote...