
Responses from boomerbillone

Class A bias, speaker sensitivity, watts...?
Hello Craigvmn. All the numbers can be intimidating, especially when newer, younger writers, with no real knowledge and eager to please their bosses, write rubbish with is filled with pure rubbish and misuse of technical terms. For instance, many ... 
Such Great help before. Maybe some more help now
Hello paqua 123!  Cables do make a difference, small, but noticable. Some dealers and manufacturers will loan you cables to try out. The cable that feeds the DAC is the most critical. You can lose ony postage/shipping costs in trying out cables. I... 
What actually determines volume power? Is it watts?
Hello dman777.  By now, you have waded through a lot of anwers to your question. They are all pretty good. Let's talk first about speaker sensitivity. A speaker rated at 84 db (we assume the ratings are honest) will play 6 db softer than a speaker... 
Maggie LRS vs .7
Hello pkatsuleasz!  Grab those Maggie .7s!  Put the modified crossovers from GRS labs in and you'll be delighted. I you don't care about cosmetics, you can cut the fabric on the backside over the factory crossovers - cheap parts. Worried about pla... 
Impedance question
Hello musicfan2349.  Feel free to experiment with the taps feeding your subwoofer. A tube amp doesn't much care what it drives. The transformer protects the amp, even from short circuits. A speaker changes impedence with frequency, air loading, an... 
D amps
Hello bernal737  May I recommend the power ampss from Starke sound?  They make 4 channel and 8 channel amps. They make their own modules. I have six of their four channel models and they drive the Linkwitz 521-4 systems superbly. I also use them w... 
Calling All Tube Gurus
Hello All!  When it comes to 12AX7s, the NOS Telefunkens can't be beat, unfortuntely that makes them pricey. I was very surprised, pleasantly, when I put one in my Elekit 8600. Victor Kung, the distributor for Elekit, was kind enough to send me on... 
Why tube rectification?
Hello Bruce 19.  The reason to use tube rectifiers is that the high votage builds up slowly (versus instantly) and that avoids the schock of WHAM! all the capacitors in the unit are suddenly awakened from their fully discharged condition by the ap... 
New Speakers under consideration - but I’m afraid
Hello ritter06!  If you like your speakers, don't be in a hurry to change them. I do agree that Legacy speakers are excellent, if they will fit in your space. Most of them are on the large side. They do make a smallish one. Here's an easy & ch... 
Open baffle speakers
If you MUST put speakers against the back wall, Larsen is the speaker for you. They are designed for that role and do it very well. If you wish to put your OB speakers (I have maggies and Linkwitz) close to a back wall, just hang a rug, curtain, q... 
Best Bookshelf Speakers for "more" than near-field listening
Hello johnnotkathi!  Golden Ear BRX  was my chooice for my small  recording studio. They work very well in deed.  Happy Listening!  
Fun read...
Written by a non-audio hobbyist, this piece misleads anyone might be interested in hi quality home audio. It is quite possible to purchase compnents and build a fine sounding system for under $5,000. If you DIY, that comes down to $3500, perhaps e... 
What do I need?
Hello tochsii!  Emotiva makes a small AV/surround sound processor. If can do a 7.1 system. It sounds very fine indeed and is the heart of my Living Room system. It handles phono cartridges also; The model is MC-700. You can save some $$ by buying ... 
Speakers that disappear
Hello ahal1!  All of Linkwitz designs will vanish when playing music. They are abailable in kit form from Madisound. I have built three different models (Plutos, LX minis, LX521) and all sound wonderful and are good at the "disappearing act."  Hap... 
MoFi or Harbeth (used)
Hello Hugo1.  I never heard a Harbeth I didn't like. Hard to go wrong there. Happy listening.