

Responses from dogearedaudio

Bose Chucks Mac
I was in Best Buy last week looking for an AudioQuest cable in the Magnolia section, but they didn’t have what I wanted. A nice young man came up and asked if I needed anything. I said no, but thanks for asking. Without prompting he said, "Those c... 
Big Jazz Band Music with Great Sound
There are a lot of great big-band recordings from the stereo era. Terry Gibbs' Dream Band.  Seven CDs worth of live recordings from 1958/59 recorded by the great Wally Heider. Ellington at Newport 1956.  "Accidental" stereo.  Originally issued i... 
Best Classical Labels for Sound
Cedille Records is a specialty classical label that focuses on high recording quality.  I find Alpha recordings of Baroque music to be very good.    
George Kaye
No, it’s the same George Kaye of Moscode. Lyric HiFi was Mike Kay.   https://www.moscode.com/george_kaye_moscode.htm  
From Audio Note AN/J-D to where?
A good friend of mine was just at the AN dealer in Miami today and reported that he actually preferred the J's.  (So did the dealers, he told me!)  But the E is modelled on a great speaker.  However, consider Living Voice.  Another friend has a pa... 
If Bi-Wiring is an option, should I choose Bi-wiring over single banana with free jumpers
@soix  A very reasonable answer.  
If Bi-Wiring is an option, should I choose Bi-wiring over single banana with free jumpers
I have always bi-wired my ProAc Response 2's.  They just sound better that way--deeper sound stage, more texture.  
I feel for you
Learning to build amplifiers and preamps was one of the most satisfying things I have done in my life.  And I say this as someone who has had a very satisfying career in another field entirely.  Not to say that doubt doesn't creep in now and then ... 
Movie/film suggestions.
If you like classic comedies but have seen the "usual suspects," my wife and I really enjoyed "The Devil and Miss Jones" with Jean Arthur and Charles Coburn.  I thought I'd seen them all but not this one.  As far as that goes, *any* Jean Arthur mo... 
Best Used Tube Based Preamp $2k Or Under?
The SP14 is, IMO, one of the great buys in audio. Rich and linear like the Cary SLP-98 but *much* more transparent and responsive, with a quieter background. Compared to the SP14 I find the Cary a bit thick and slow, but still very musical. The Do... 
For Tube Folks...
As a side note, watch out for eBay sellers who offer "NIB" (new-in-box) or "NOS" tubes in "original" boxes.  Some of theose boxes are reprinted stock white tube boxes.  You can usually tell when you see white edges outside the original labelling. ... 
Jazz for aficionados
@alexatpos Thanks! Yes, I know the Hank Jones album. And the Eddie Costa Trio recordings were released on a Fresh Sound set: https://www.discogs.com/release/10211284-Eddie-Costa-Trio-Complete-Recordings Also well worth obtaining, those these a... 
Jazz for aficionados
If these albums have been mentioned, I’ll delete the post, but a search didn’t turn them up. I was digging through my hard drive last night and came upon two incredible Tal Farlow albums I hadn’t listened to in years. I bought the LPs decades ago,... 
looking for bookshelves - Another usual boring speaker discussion
Used ProAc 1sc's?  A really wonderful speaker, IMO.  
How do you A/B amps in your system?
@toddalin Nice!