
Responses from yyzsantabarbara

Preamp for Parasound A21+ with Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 speakers
@jdub39 The Holo does not have anything related to HT. It is a pure 2 channel preamp. BTW - I heard the new 791 SimAudio preamp last week. It was connected to the 761 amp and Paradigm Persona 9H speakers. I think my Holo Serene and Schitt Yggi+ ... 
Experienced Maggie Lovers Please Advise
I have a small acoustically treated room, 12x11x9 that I had a few speakers in, from monitors to a full-range speaker. I always needed the acoustic treatments with all the speakers including the LRS+. However, with the LRS+ I found that removing t... 
Borresen X3
I have heard the TOTL Yamaha amp and preamp with the NS5000. It was not the gear I would use with those speakers. I actually own the NS5000 and use a CODA #16 with a Holo Audio Serene preamp. My Schitt Yggi+ OG DAC is also much better than the exp... 
Finding a Bookshelf for Luxman C900U/M900U
Yamaha NS3000  
Relaxed/Analog sounding DAC for under $10k (used or new)
Schitt Yggi+ Less Is More  
Upgrading to a stand alone DAC
I have owned the following DACs in the last 5 years Gustard X26 Pro Topping D90SE (also the non-MQA version) Musetec 005 Lumin X1 ($15k) Schitt Yggdrasil+ OG Schitt Yggdrasil+ Less Is More Benchmark DAC3B Audio Mirror Tubadour SE III T... 
Preamp for Parasound A21+ with Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 speakers
I owned the A21+ and liked it. I found it a bit warm, so I used the low-cost neutral Benchmark LA4 preamp with it and thought it was a great combo. They have a 30-day home trial. If you want a bit more warmth than the LA4, then my other preamp, t... 
Benchmark AHB2 Power Cable Upgrade
I have a few of the Audience forte 3 and like them on some pieces. However, I did not notice a difference with the AHB2 and the Audience forte 3.  
SimAudio Moon North Collection
I just heard the 761 amp with the 700 series streaming DAC preamp. It was playing on the Parasound Persona 9H. When I had previously heard the 860 v1 it was on the Parasound Persona 5F. I spent over an hour listening to various tracks and I came ... 
A DAC for the Oppo 105
I made a mistake on my D.BOB post. It is SPDIF that goes into the DAC from the D.BOB, not USB.  
A DAC for the Oppo 105
Look at my posts on the D.BOB. I use this with a low end OPPO and either a great Schitt Yggi+ DAC or a good Benchmark DAC3B. Many other DACs will work. Now the beauty of this solution is that DSD and PCM are output from the HDMI cable coming out o... 
Metrum Onyx vs Schiit Yggdrasil?
Lot of people like the LIM because of the reasons the guy at Schitt disliked it. He found it rolled off on top resulting in the loss of some resolution. He wanted to hear everything on the track not a rolled of "musical" version. Saying all of th... 
Metrum Onyx vs Schiit Yggdrasil?
I have 2 Yggi+ DACs. I recently got the OG because a musician guy working at Schitt told me to get the last one available and I would not be sorry. I already owned the "musical" Yggi+ Less Is More and the musician guy told me it was awful. Though ... 
Help me build out my first system
Neutrality is important for me too. Two of the very best preamps for a neutral sound are (I also own both): Benchmark LA4/HPA4 (consider the HPA4) Holo Audio Serene There is a review online comparing the 2 preamps. The reviewer preferred the... 
SimAudio Moon North Collection
@audphile1 Four weeks ago I drive from LAX airport to a HiFi store that had my speakers and the Moon North. Unfortunately, that arduous drive was not successful because the dealer closed early for some unstated reason. This Thursday I make the re...