
Discussions sokogear has started

Are carbon fiber speaker cabinets inherently better than wood or metal ones572436
Record collecting versus hoarding7208100
Audiogon resolutions for 2022 - #1 less exaggeration when it comes to system changes196136
Vinylistas and Tubers - One and the same?193027
Vibration control on power versus signal185811
Power conditioner types638140
Gimbal vs unipivot tonearms1862777
Clear vinyl vs. regular black vinyl721432
Turntable mat journey812333
Experience with HFTs337222
Top Jazz & Pop/Rock Groups/Artists you listen to and the best recording you have on vinyl 12355
Question for Rega P8 or P10 owners25921
Anti skate question for Rega P8/RB 880 arm627512
What are the advantages of electrostatic versus floor speakers w/wo external drivers? 418813
Does it improve the sound of a MM or MI cartridge by playing it through a phono stage?1029035