List Of Small Company Tube Amps

I just love tube amps and I’m always wondering what small guy out there is making stellar amps under the radar.  I’m only talking somewhat affordable gear, definitely under 10k new. More like 2-5k is what I’m thinking. I’ll start the list but I’m sure there are a ton that I’ll miss.  Obviously feel free to express your preferences. Some of these might have international distribution but I feel they have a small enough presence in the US that they kind of count. 

Decware, may not count any longer but one of the originals

Aric Audio

La Dolce Audio

Tomcat Audio

Lab 12


Audio Hungary 

Space-tech Labs 

Musical Paradise 

Triode Labs



Analog Ethos

Brunoco Audio

Audio Mirror, getting pricey though. 







Search on this site for them.

People love them, very well made and loved.





Oliver Sayes

Radu Tarta

James Burgess

Sun Audio

Von Gaylord

Granite Audio

KR Audio


Allen Wright


Will Vincent




Triode Lab

To name a few. ;)


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Member autospec (Will Vincent) in Idaho makes excellent Dynaco ST70 -based tube amps for around $1500. I bought one of his SET amps.

It is not just Companies making very attractive Audio Devices with Tubes used as the design for a Circuit. There are to be found EE adept individuals, who's knowledge is inspirational and who really know how to create a Audio Device that is superb in performance, as well as more than reasonably priced for a design built into a basic looking chassis.

If a small turnover Brand is wanted, I have added to the list Mr Nixie:

Allen Wright


Granite Audio

James Burgess

KR Audio


Mr Nixie  

Oliver Sayes

Radu Tarta


Sun Audio

Von Gaylord












Will Vincent




Triode Lab

Erhard Audio...

Holger Schaarsmidt is the new (not so new) US distributor for Lundahl transformers since the retirement of Kevin Carter a couple years ago. He also builds amps and preamps with audio grade parts including the Lundahl's.


And from personal experience, Gordan Rankin, from Wavelength Audio designs and builds excellent tube gear including his notorious, asynchronous usb dacs.

Most of the tube electronics companies are small and only few large, but, indeed it all depends on how much large and how much small. To me Cary or Manley are still small companies. AudioResearch probably large.

Why wouldn't DecWare count anymore?

Among headphone tube amps, a few excellent ones are made by:

Eddie Current

DNA (Donald North Audio)

Why wouldn't DecWare count anymore?

It surely counts but a friend of mine in Denver was on a two year wait list for his, so it's not exactly the way to go if you want to listen to music in the near future.

Rogers High Fidelity.  Hand made in MA, point to point wired w/very high quality components, wiring & chassis backed by a Lifetime Warranty! And they sound really good too! Not the cheapest of the other nice ones mentioned but some reasonably priced used ones might be available. 

Cary Audio in my home state, near Raleigh, NC. Their SLI-80HS is well regarded. 

Gary Huang makes great-sounding, bulletproof gear that you can actually afford.

I LOVE my MK301 MK3! (And have owned McIntosh, Dyna and Sophia, plus sever other ss amps).

Rogers High Fidelity sells demos (with full workup and warranties) on Ebay at decent prices.

Actually maybe a better question would be a list of large tube amp making companies? Aside from maybe Luxman I can't think of any. And please don't say ARC they were just recently sold for almost nothing.

+ 1 for Had. I've owned a Dennis Had amp since 2017 and it still amazes me how good it sounds. A hand made masterpiece, a "lifetime" amp.

+2 for Dennis Had’s Inspire amps.  He designs and hand builds KT-88’s, 300b with WE tubes, and more recently 2A3’s.  $2k-$5k.  Goes by radioman731 on ebay.  If you can pick up locally in Cary, NC, he’ll buy you lunch, introduce you to a couple of his audio tubehead buddies and give you a tour of his workshop, The Toy Factory. Where I first saw a pair of open baffle speakers he built for his studio, they’re all the rage now. Superb low watt SE amps . Have one of his KT-88 Firebottle’s. He put a volume pot on it for me, so nothing between digital source signal and high efficiency speakers, very clean, super low noise floor, and layered soundstage. 

Also his former firm he founded, Cary Audio, most under $10k.  Have one of their 1990’s 300b LX-20 I picked up used for $3k. Sent it to Cary for a shake down, replaced one burned up resistor. Great service, very quick and reasonably priced.  The LX-20 is a SET that runs KR 300B XLS tubes to 20wpc, pretty amazing. Designed by Dennis. I’m obviously a fan of his work. 


many + for Decware - yes, the waiting list is WAY long post-covid. I got an amp pre-covid and it was about 6 weeks from order to ship. I have been a customer for about 20 years. Can't say enough good things about Steve and his company.

This list is a very worthwhile endeavor. Here are two I'll add:


Supratek (Mick Maloney from Australia. See the "Preamp Deal of the Century" thread in "most popular of all time" tab on this forum)

Alan Eaton

Also, if it hasn't already been mentioned, the website "glowinthedarkaudio" has wonderful photos and descriptions of many of the boutique builders amplifiers.

Raven Audio meets and exceeds the OP’s criteria and they are really nice people to do business with.

on the other hand…

Roger High Fidelity is overpriced even at his 50% off eBay prices, and the lifetime “transferable” warranty is a joke. Transferring the warranty requires sending the amp back for recertification which incurs a bench charge, which is fine, until he sells one of his amps to your buyer instead, which he did to me, twice.

Ironically one of those buyers hated the amp and put it up for sale within a few weeks.

The $8500 I spent on the “demo” EHF MK2 was by far, the worst expenditure in my audio journey.

Check out Musical Paradise, esp. if don't want to sell a kidney for an upgrade.


Transcendent Sound amp, preamp, eq kits.  All amps are OTL!  Bruce Rozenblitz designs them all and markets them as kits.  Look for his books on tube audio in the bay.

+1 for Aric Audio. I own several of his projects, including his Transcend EL 34 "Push Pull" amp that is simply amazing; it is paired with Aric's Motherlode XL preamp. He is a great guy to deal with, builds exquisite equipment, and will add whatever upgrades you may want. He makes 7 amps of several different topologies, most for around $5,000. Can't recommend his gear high enough

@audionutjeff   ++++++ on BorderPatrol Electronics !  I have Gary Dew's S20 Parallel SET 300-B amp/PSU's and his top of the line control preamp/PSU's.  Very micro/macro dynamic and articulate.  No slouch in the bass department !   Highly recommended !  You'll see his electronics at the CAF and Tampa Audio Expo with Volti speakers and Triode Labs cabling...  That team gets high marks at nearly every audio show...   

@liquidsound I agree!  Their rooms are always terrific.  I have all Triode Wire Labs cables and they are excellent.  Pete, Gary, and Greg are terrific guys.  

Border Patrol amps are on my 300b short list!

Really surprised no one has included Black Ice Audio on this list.

This is the 'inheritor' of the Jolida products, with some superb enhancements.

I highly recommend the F65a and the F85a! USA Made too.

Fusion 85A Integrated Tube Amplifier - 95wpc* (Made in Maryland) — BLACK ICE AUDIO

Roger High Fidelity is overpriced even at his 50% off eBay prices, and the lifetime “transferable” warranty is a joke. Transferring the warranty requires sending the amp back for recertification which incurs a bench charge, which is fine, until he sells one of his amps to your buyer instead, which he did to me, twice.

@macg19  That is hideous behavior on their part - thanks for warning and bringing it to light! "Lifetime" warranties are only as good as the company offering them - which often isn't very good. I don't value a lifetime or transferrable warranty nearly as much as a company willing to reliably work on any of their products (especially if out of warranty or discontinued) for a reasonable charge. In fact, when I see a "lifetime" warranty being advertised, that just throws up red flags to me. 

VAC and Rogue have proven to me they're great companies to work with.

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