Responses from invalid
Trying to find a passive attenuator with a mono/stereo switch and RCA in and RCA out Give Al a call at space tech lab, he will build one for you. | |
Help with Krell KSA 50-S versus Krell KSA 200-S The sustained plateau bias does not effect the bass, my ksa 300s amplifier has great bass performance. | |
Burmester 218..... If zuesman really did compare them, then he can't help it he has bad hearing. | |
Why does USB feature so much in discussions about DACs when the newer HDMI seems better? @2psyop the only thing Paul McGowan doesn't say is that I2S was never designed to be transmitted over a cable from one component to another. | |
DSD coming to Qobuz streaming? | |
DSD coming to Qobuz streaming? @herman I read that NativeDSD found a way without conversion in DSD 256. | |
PSAudio Directstream DAC M-1 (refurb) vs Denafrips Venus II. Quick decision needed! It seems that the USB on the directstream mk1 was just a bad implementation, because on the mk2 a lot of owners say it sounds just as good as the i2S. | |
Issue with Krell KSA-250 @devinplombier if you ever seen what some people do to them, including some techs, you would know why. These types of repair jobs often used to end up at Krell service. They give schematics to authorized techs. | |
Krell Moves to new location @srace1 This whole situation seems odd to me. It seems like Will Buhler and JF Bicking would and should have been prepared for something like this if they have a stake in the company. | |
Issue with Krell KSA-250 @jea48 there is a soft start circuit, and it’s a well known fact that the capacitors get hot because of where they are placed, right next to two 700ohm resistors. | |
Issue with Krell KSA-250 @jdsmichaels you had it serviced at Krell or The Service Department? The owner of The Service Department used to be the service manager at Krell, though I think he is a little more expensive. | |
Issue with Krell KSA-250 Is the amplifier a ksa 250 or 250s? | |
Issue with Krell KSA-250 @jasonbourne71 I know capacitors don't buzz, but they can cause the transformer to buzz. | |
Issue with Krell KSA-250 Though I wouldn't rule out the power transformer, it's more likely to be a bad capacitor. | |
Issue with Krell KSA-250 Though I wouldn't rule out the power transformer, it's more likely to be a bad capacitor. |