Responses from jonwolfpell
And the biggest influence on sound quality is... I think it’s 75% speakers & how they interact w/ the room. You can have a really good listening room, top quality front end ( analog or digital), amps/ preamps, cables etc but if your speakers aren’t good or at least really to your liking,... | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? We all hear differently, enjoy many different genres of music & like many different aspects of hifi systems. Opinions & tastes cannot be right or wrong & anyone who’s married or been in a relationship for any length of time knows this ... | |
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why? Rega & Basis. Both very well made & engineered but not over engineered. Both pretty much set up correctly & just enjoy for many years of trouble free listening at two different tiers of quality & of course cost. | |
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume? Depends on the kind of music & my mood. Acoustic, bluegrass, folk about 80 - upper 80’s db at 10’ from speakers. Rolling Stones “Can’t You Hear Knocking” on their Sticky Fingers album, 100+ db as it was meant to be heard! I have a pretty power... | |
Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ? Basis tables & arms made in NH our excellent at all their levels. Couldn’t say for sure but I’ll bet their models 2200 or 2800 w/ a Vector 4 arm gets you most of what the really top turntables do for a “high” but not “insane” price. Of course ... | |
The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines. I think the wine tasting analogy is a pretty good one. That said, how about the Absolute Sound Magazine approach which is essentially the opposite? Steven Stone’s & a few others reviews of lesser expensive stuff are often very useful & ... | |
Simple tube-use question Take a pic of the info on your phone before removing it so you’ll always have it. I do that w/ lots of things I want to remember. | |
How often do you upgrade turntable ? I had no idea that in 2003 when I upgraded from a Michell Gyrodec / Rega arm to a Basis 2500 w/ Basis Vector 4 arm & an Art Audio Vinyl One Phono Amp that I would never buy another one! The Basis was amongst some of the very best available bac... | |
Bose 901 Review Well Done. Back in 70’s, I thought the ADS 810 was better in every way than the similarly priced Bose 901 & heard them side by side several times. I’ll bet they’re still better & would buy them used today before over a new pair of 901’s. I actually ... | |
Who's winning? Being happy with what you have or at least what you have at the moment is usually based on having realistic expectations. I really enjoy both a great song on my average car system as well as my very nice home system. Similarly, I enjoy watching my... | |
Streamer, no DAC please? Innuos products are excellent! Built very well, sound great & very good customer support. They offer several different models at various price points. | |
DAC break-in question As many others have experienced, I have observed clear improvements as equipment has broken in. Loudspeakers, turntables & CD transports that actually move obviously can change how they sound but electronics have “movement” too, just at a much... | |
An IEC with grip There’s a lot of quite humorous but not very PC jokes that come to mind regarding the male / female plug matter which I will leave alone…. That said, I wonder why no one has come up with power cord locking devices similar to the older multi pin c... | |
Used tube preamps, Cary, AR, Aesthetix, Wells...........or? bill Pete- just a silly figure of speech. It was in 1981 & it was already 3 or 4 years old. I don’t remember the model number. | |
I should start with speakers. This I know. I’d like to establish a new system. Of course it depends on what you value most; smooth rich sound w/ nice subtle details often w/ good 3 D imaging or more live, dynamic sound that can rock out without straining or requiring heroic amplification. Very challenging to find both in spe... |