
Responses from dmk_calgary

The Psychology Of Collecting
+1 rcm I have a part-time job for the summer helping to clear out and sell old farts - like me - stuff. That stuff is hummels - I had NO idea what they were in June lol - old soda dispensers from the 1950s that weight hundreds of pounds, Pez cand... 
Recommend me a tube integrated amplifier
+1 on Decware. Steve Deckert, the owner/designer makes himself available to customers on the phone - live - on M/W/Fri. I have been buying their amps and pre-amps for about 20 years. Great stuff and great support.  
Do you belong more to souce first or to speakers first school of thought ?
source for sure. GIGO. Though we seem to be in the minority here.   
ultrasound record cleaning machine damaged my records
hmmm that's weird. I have about 1200 albums and have cleaned them all at least once with my US RCM. No issues. I wonder how water could damage records. Vinyl has a melting point of about 100C, about the same as boiling pt of water. So I did an exp... 
Phono pre amp recommendations? - upgrading from ICON AUDIO PS1 MK II
check out Decware - they make great tube amps and pre-amps in Illinois. All pt-to-pt hand soldered wiring. I have had a couple of their amps and their phono preamp.   
Decware Sarah 300B Amp?
can't say enough good things about Decware and Steve. Great company and great products. I do not own a Sarah, but purchased one of the first SV84 amps with the grey steel box - great sound - back when they were first released. I went through one o... 
Records not stored vertically for decades
really good SD would be Analogue Productions - they just released - well you can order them - Aja and Gaucho and maybe one other have shipped - all 45 rpm, all remastered by Bernie. I have the Mofi of Aja and the AP version is much better - dynami... 
Records not stored vertically for decades
So since you have about 200 albums, I would run them all thru a US RCM. That will get rid of any mould/dirt/dust, etc. The only ones I would worry about for warping are the top 5-10, since they would not have much weight on them. Vinyl is heavy, s... 
Signal tube versus power tube, sound impact?
my manual for my amp and pre-amp - both from Decware - says to roll tube V1 - 12AX7 -  in the preamp and the 2 input tubes - 6922 - in the amp, before doing anything else. Amp is EL34. I currently have Winged C's and much prefer their bass and mid... 
Starting a Classical Vinyl Music Collection
Check out Discogs - HUGE selection of classical vinyl/box sets. I go for near mint or mint if its reasonable. I have purchased box sets of Beethoven symphonies, piano concertos. string quartets, Chamber music. Same with Mozart. Got excellent copie... 
how to transfer vinyl to digital
THANK YOU all for your responses. Big help/confirmation for me.  
how to transfer vinyl to digital
Thanks for the memories. But yes, 100% irrelevant to the question.  
Steely Dan UHQR
+1 larsman - I had no idea I have the ABC 1006 - I listened to the ABC version and the UHQR version last night -  the UHQR is WAY better sound all around. If you love SD, its worth if. As others have pointed out, they don't like SD, so no way are ... 
Steely Dan UHQR
SD is one of my fav bands. I have the MoFi version of Aja that Stan Ricker mastered. Excellent sound. The UHQR version is better - is if worth $150? Depends. I don't think so, but it is definitely better than the MoFi version. Dynamics and quieter... 
please help an audiophile's widow
sorry for your loss of your husband and the speaker. Do you have a picture you can post? That would be a big help.