
Responses from bojack

And the biggest influence on sound quality is...
...a glass of great wine.  
Do You Unplug Equipment During Thunderstorms?
Yes. I lived in South Florida for 15 years where there is insane, end of times lightning (you have no idea), and no way was I taking a chance. All it takes is one nasty strike, and you can kiss your system goodbye.  
Suggestions for Preamp Tubes
I've owned this exact pre since 2013 and love it. However, in my system it's not particularly revealing of tubes. I've used the stock EH 6922s as well as 6N1Ps and currently Reflector 6922 equivalents, and pretty much same sound from them all. Thi... 
Speakers sound too bright.
These speakers have a rising top end from 7k up when pointed at your ears. Pointed straight ahead, though, they measure much flatter. If they still sound too aggressive pointed straight ahead, you might check out something like Dynaudio Evoke 30s ... 
Need to learn about Audio Research
Traudio, ARC is indeed one of the big names in hi-end gear. If you have a trusted tech who has experience in repairing ARC gear, I say go for it. However, if you don't, you will likely be waiting a long time for possible repairs (if needed), and ... 
Tube amp for Sourcepoint 8?
Mdemaio, totally get the limited space and was recommending the KT Monos as a current owner of these and the fact that they are a low-impedance design and thus will  likely play well with the Sourcepoint 8s.  
Tube amp for Sourcepoint 8?
Quicksilver KT Monos...AWESOME amps with stock KT88s and deadly quiet, too. Plenty of power, drive, and bass that can drive 4 ohms no problems at all.  
Moving to separates
Great question, and yes, a separate amplifier will very, very likely yield an obvious step up in terms of bass detail and overall solidity of the sound. I recall going from an integrated amp years ago to my first separate amp, and wow, no going ba... 
New Magico Speaker Break-in Question
Step 1: Set them up facing straight ahead (i.e. 30 degrees off axis). If brightness still there... Step 2: Get a 31-band dBX dual mono EQ  or other EQ and try to EQ out the offending frequency band. If brightness still there... Step 3: Pack them... 
300 Watt Tube Monoblocks
Agree with others that the cost of maintaining this many power tubes would be nuts, especially if you listen a lot or have them biased hot. You're talking some real $. Plus the insane weight and possible repairs and shipping...just a bad idea.  
Dynaudio Special 40's vs Wharfedale Super Lintons
You will do better, imo, by considering a used pair of Contour 20s or 20i's...both superb and a step up over either Lintons or Special 40s. I own 20i's and cannot say enough good things about them.  
Talk me out of buying Monoblocks and into a stereo amp instead
Monoblocs all the way, dude...You'll feel like more of a man, and well, monoblocs are just more badass.  
Preamp Output Completely Different with Tube Amplifier versus Solid State Amplifier
Exactly. I have a First Watt M2 that also has 15db of gain. My tube preamp is dead quiet with that but exhibits noise with my 1V sensitivity tube monoblocs.  
How many of us are truly satisfied with their systems?
Completely, entirely happy with my systems (3) consisting of Quicksilver, FirstWatt, Spendor, Dynaudio, and Audible desire to change for 5 years and running after 35 years of system building.  
Tune-In Stations With Great Sound
Radio Venice is THE best sounding classical feed on TuneIn. I listen to it each day for hours, as I work from home. It also has by far the finest playlist of any classical stream, again by a huge margin.