
Responses from pinwa

Innuos Zen next-gen vs. Pulsar for streaming...?
Directly comparing any Innuos product in a meaningful way is very difficult since  they only support a USB output and I am unaware of any DACs that have two USB inputs.  Consequently there is no real time A/B testing.  Even if the Statement Next G... 
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?
So far there have been exactly two posts that specify whether they are measuring with dBA or dBC.  Without specifying which standard you are using the numbers are meaningless.  Almost all contemporary music that has real bass will measure 10-15 dB... 
Puritan 156 and Furman
Don't plug the Puritan into the Furman.  First, the Puritan is better than the Furman (I own a Furman Elite-15 PFi and a 156).  Second, cascading power conditioners like that is very likely to rob your music of dynamics, especially the amplifiers ... 
Cartridge - sweet spot on the cost/sound curve?
The Needleclinic NC-103 is less than $600 and it blows aways cartridges costing multiples of its price.  
@antigrunge2 I switched to the Sense app running an Innuous Pulsar after comparing it to Roon and deciding the sound was enough better to justify the expense and my leaving the Roon operating system which is immensely better than Sense (I have a l... 
At the top of the line is it really all that different?
I have had the privilege of listening to several very high end systems where the owners were happy to do A/B comparisons of various cables, amps, and DACs and often the differences between equally high end components are startling.  In my more mod... 
Changing the 6550 power tube in a Audio Research Ref 6SE Preamp
I have the ARC Ref 5SE.  I use a new production Tung-Sol 6550.  I preferred that to the SovTek 6550 although the difference was negligible and probably just due to the SovTek having to many hours on it.  Surprisingly, I also preferred the new prod... 
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
Shocking how stupid and narrow minded people get as they age.  But hey, be happy in your rut.    
2025 Audio System Wish List Time!
@lanx0003 I heard what I think was the Monitor Audio Platinum 300 a few years ago.  I thought it was very good indeed.  It was also something like $16K so above my price point at the time.  I've never listened to any of their other models but I wo... 
2025 Audio System Wish List Time!
@lanx0003 Take a look at the latest issue of The Absolute Sound for their review of the SVS Ultra Evolution speakers.  Tekton Moabs also punch way above their price point.  
Puritan PSM156 recommendation
I have the PSM 156 and the Synergistic Research PowerCell 8 UEF.  I didn't feel the PowerCell did anything one way or the other.  I did like the PSM 156 but honestly it is simply very time consuming to swap 5 cords so any listening test is very su... 
Eversolo, can I do better?
Innuos Zenith MK3 sounds a little better than A8 but I'm not a fan of either devices software.   
Furutech Nanoflux speaker cables
@stephenjfoster For some reason you seem to think there is an element of religion or faith involved in any of this while forgetting that science is based on observation and experience.  Now I agree with you that subjective experience should be vie... 
Furutech Nanoflux speaker cables
@brunomarcs Thank you.  Finally a post that actually contains useful information.  I had missed that nugget of info buried in Furutech's marketing BS.  For anybody else interested in this the actual text is: "Furutech specifies α (Alpha) Nano-Au-... 
Furutech Nanoflux speaker cables
@richardbrand I am not a physicist nor do I own speakers that only accept spades.  I'm certainly not going to argue that Furutech's marketing makes any sense.  In fact, I would agree that it sounds more like nonsense.  And if you read what I have ...