
Responses from liquidsound

@southofdallas   They are ~98-db efficient at 16-ohms.    
@southofdallas  I have Charney Audio MaestroX speakers with AER-BD3B single drivers.  The drivers are very revealing and the Accuphase gets everything right.    
+++++ for Accuphase  I have an A48 and its power and finesse is terrific !  Well built, wonderful sonics, superb reliability and LOVE those VU meters !    
Any Eversolo Amp F10 owners out there ?
@oddiofyl   One thing I am pretty adamant about is customer service and support.  Nearly everything I have purchased if questions or issues come up, I have had great support.  Pass Labs, Innuos, even Denafrips (support from Vinshine Audio) and Cha... 
Any Eversolo Amp F10 owners out there ?
@Soix  Yes...  I was told recently the Sanders amp was designed by Coda by a panel speaker distributor.    
Any Eversolo Amp F10 owners out there ?
Thanks All for your experiences and comments...  It's good to know that Eversolo is trying to get its act together here, and I hope that they do.  I recently heard some planar's powered by a Coda #8 and it was pretty impressive.  The Coda #8 is mo... 
Any Eversolo Amp F10 owners out there ?
Thanks for your information !  
Accuphase class A amps - going up the food chain from an A-48 to an A-80 or A-300?
I have an Accuphase A48 and I must say it is quite an articulate and powerful amplifier.  Build quality is impeccable.  I love it.  Going up the "food chain" to their more powerful Class-A or A/B amps or their integrated amps I don't think would g... 
YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics.
Interesting topic but one I suspect most of us are in line with.  There are exceptions to the age-related audiophile phenomenon.  About 6 years ago, my daughter (now age 36) told me she was interested in vinyl.  Her first endeavor in audio was as... 
Jay’s Audio CD Transport
I too have the CDT-2 Mk III in black and it's aesthetically very nice, robust and sounds great.   I like that I can use the I2S output which in my opinion sounds the best.    
List Of Small Company Tube Amps
@audionutjeff   ++++++ on BorderPatrol Electronics !  I have Gary Dew's S20 Parallel SET 300-B amp/PSU's and his top of the line control preamp/PSU's.  Very micro/macro dynamic and articulate.  No slouch in the bass department !   Highly recommend... 
Which HDMI cable for I2S?
Wireworld Silver Sphere HDMI made a notable improvement in finer detail and microdynamics.  ...  Great cables and for the Wireworld USB version...  
Shorting plugs
I believe it really depends on the type of equipment you have and how the individual inputs get their signal to the amplifying stage.  In my particular preamp case, each input RCA goes back to a hard-wired input selector switch and is out of the a... 
Is the idea of audiophile listening a dying concept as boomers die off?
Well... If you take a look at who’s attending the Audio Shows, from what I’ve seen it appears to be more folks over 50 than under. I retired in 2023 and during my work life, my career offered me enough discretionary income to afford some really ni... 
Verity Audio speaker manufacturer silent...
Too bad...  Verity Audio had very respectable speakers.  I had a pair of Parsifal Ovations and they were indeed a very nice sounding speaker system.  I had them for several years until I heard a pair of Living-Voice OBX-RW's which sounded more rea...