I'm returning to "audio" conversations after a long pause (25 years). If anything, my impression is that the emphasis on measurements in 'professional', published reviews (as opposed to comments/conversations in forums) and in marketing materials is relatively lower now than it was in the late 1990s - with some exceptions (e.g. ASR).
I think this may be due to two factors: 1) the fragmentation of the 'review' market with more and more 'low resource' individuals/influencers/youtubers and whatnot rather than magazines with labs etc; and 2) the fact that component quality and consistency of electronics (particularly digital, but also amps) has improved enormously.
The conversation (or squabble, occasionally) among consumers/aficionados doesn't seem to me to be very different from back then. There are a few 'objectivists' and a few 'feeling-driven' folks, with a large majority that looks at both sides. As usual, the extremes drive most of the noise.